Get mail from Gmail with Line Bot and send unread messages to the sender and subject to Line.
Check Gmail emails with Python --I used it as a reference to enable Google's API. Get mail from Gmail API using Python --I referred to how to use the Gmail API.
from flask import Flask, request, abort
from linebot import (
LineBotApi, WebhookHandler
from linebot.exceptions import (
from linebot.models import (
MessageEvent, TextMessage, TextSendMessage, LocationMessage, VideoMessage,
FollowEvent, UnfollowEvent, PostbackEvent, TemplateSendMessage,
ButtonsTemplate, CarouselTemplate, CarouselColumn, PostbackTemplateAction
from linebot.exceptions import LineBotApiError
import os
import json
import sys
import re
import Gmail
app = Flask(__name__)
line_bot_api = LineBotApi(YOUR_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN)
handler = WebhookHandler(YOUR_CHANNEL_SECRET)
@app.route("/callback", methods=['POST'])
def callback():
signature = request.headers['X-Line-Signature']
body = request.get_data(as_text=True)"Request body: " + body)
handler.handle(body, signature)
except InvalidSignatureError:
return 'OK'
@handler.add(MessageEvent, message=TextMessage)
def handle_message(event):
text = event.message.text
user_id = event.source.user_id
if 'Email' in text:
mail = Gmail.GmailAPI()
# get the reply message
messages = mail.process_message()
# reply
if __name__ == "__main__":
port = int(os.getenv("PORT", 5000))"", port=port)
When the bot receives a message containing the string "mail", it gets an unread message from Gmail and replies.
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from httplib2 import Http
from oauth2client import file, client, tools
class GmailAPI:
def __init__(self):
# If modifying these scopes, delete the file token.json.
self._SCOPES = ''
def ConnectGmail(self):
store = file.Storage('token.json')
creds = store.get()
if not creds or creds.invalid:
flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('credentials.json', self._SCOPES)
creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store)
service = build('gmail', 'v1', http=creds.authorize(Http()))
return service
def GetMessageList(self):
# connect to API
service = self.ConnectGmail()
MessageList = []
query = 'is:unread'
# get all the messages (maximum=20)
messageIDlist = service.users().messages().list(userId='me',maxResults=20,q=query).execute()
# if no messages, stop return error
if messageIDlist['resultSizeEstimate'] == 0:
return 'error'
# Get information about the mails
for message in messageIDlist['messages']:
row = {}
MessageDetail = service.users().messages().get(userId='me',id=message['id']).execute()
for header in MessageDetail['payload']['headers']:
# get the senders of the messages
if header['name'] == 'From':
row['from'] = header['value']
# get the subject of the messages
elif header['name'] == 'Subject':
row['subject'] = header['value']
return MessageList
def process_message(self):
messagelist = self.GetMessageList()
# If there is no messages new, reply 'No message'
if messagelist == 'error':
reply = 'No message'
return reply
# make reply message
reply = ''
for mlist in messagelist:
from_name = mlist['from'].split('<')[0] + ':'
sub = '「' + mlist['subject'] + '」'
message = '{}\n{}'.format(from_name, sub)
reply += message
reply += '\n\n'
return reply
Using Gmail API, GetMessageList gets the sender and subject of unread mail, and process_message converts them to the character string when replying and returns it.
I have erased the sender's name, but I got the name and title and was able to reply!
I would like to implement the following two in the future.