I made a character counter with Python


Will you use Microsoft Word? When I write a university report, when I submit it in word format, I start Word and write the report. Recently, I've been writing reports using Google Docs more and more ... but I don't write enough sentences to open Word in the world ... I don't even have to launch a browser and open Google Docs ... Isn't it just a memo? (Just me?) At that time, you often want to count the number of characters ... (Wata ry) That's why I made a character counter in Python. For busy people, the source code is [here. ](# 4-Source code)


Mac OS Catalina Python 3.7.6 PySimpleGUI 4.18.2

0. Table of contents

  1. [Library](# 1-Library)
  2. [Required functions](# 2-Required functions)
  3. [Implementation](# 3-Implementation)
  4. [Source Code](# 4-Source Code)
  5. [Summary](# 5-Summary)
  6. [References](# 6-References)

1. Library

When it comes to implementing a GUI in Python, I think the first thing that comes to mind is Tkinter. I thought about implementing it in Tkinter, but somehow I thought it was a little complicated ... so I searched for another good library and found it, ** [PySimpleGUI](https: /) /pysimplegui.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) **. So, this time we will proceed with the implementation using this library.

2. Required functions

As a function that I personally need for the character counter,

--Area for entering the number of characters

--Count button

--Quit button

It's pretty good if there is enough. The minimum required functions are sufficient. Because I just move it a little. We will implement these three.

3. Implementation

First, install PySimple GUI. If you haven't installed it yet, in the terminal

pip install pysimplegui


Once the installation is complete, we will start implementing it immediately.

What I imported this time

There are two.

Set Theme at the beginning. I chose `DarkAmber` because I like how it looks. This area is your choice. For more information, go to here.


import PySimpleGUI as sg
import re


This completes the Theme settings. Next, consider the GUI layout. The layout is

layout = []

It can be set freely in the form of an array like. I


import PySimpleGUI as sg 
import re


layout = [
	[sg.Text('Word Counter')],
	[sg.Multiline((), size=(70, 30))],
	[sg.Submit(button_text='Count', size=(5, 1)), sg.Button('Quit', size=(5, 1))],
	[sg.Button('Delete', size=(5, 1)), sg.Button('Save', size=(5, 1))]

I did it like this. Then it looks like this.


I think it's pretty intuitive to write.

Roughly speaking,

-- Text ()` `` displays the text area on one line --`` `Multiline ()` `` displays a multi-line text area --`` `Submit ()` `` will display the button -- Button () displays the button

size=()Allows you to specify the size of the element. 1=It can be counted with one character, so in my casemultiline(), size=(70, 30)Then, the size of the text area is70 characters vertically x 30 characters horizontallyIt is set like this.

To be honest, I'm not sure about the difference between `Submit ()` and `Button ()`, but this time it works fine so I'll leave it as it is ...

When the layout is complete, the rest sets the movement when the button is pressed. And before that, let's display the created layout.


import PySimpleGUI as sg 
import re


layout = [
	[sg.Text('Word Counter')],
	[sg.Multiline((), size=(70, 30))],
	[sg.Submit(button_text='Count', size=(5, 1)), sg.Button('Quit', size=(5, 1))],
	[sg.Button('Delete', size=(5, 1)), sg.Button('Save', size=(5, 1))]

window = sg.Window('Word Counter', layout)



I added

window = sg.Window('Word Counter', layout)



is. The rest of the program is written between the two. whileI will implement it with a statement.


while True:
	event, values = window.read()

	if event is None:
		print('No words')

	if event == 'Count':
		show_message = len(values[0]) - 1

		sg.popup('Result', show_message)

	if event == 'Quit':

	if event == 'Delete':
		sg.PopupYesNo('Are you really?')
		if 'Yes':
			values[0] = re.sub()

Below, if and the following are described individually.

if event is None:
		print('No words')

Describes the movement when the x button is pressed.

if event == 'Count':
		show_message = len(values[0]) - 1

		sg.popup('Result', show_message)

This is the main. Assign the value of the text area to the variable show_message as counted by len ()``. In PySimpleGUI, it seems that the values put in the text box or area can be obtained by ``values []` ``. There seems to be another way. len(values[0]) - 1The reason for doing this is that after verifying it several times, for some reason, one more number than the number of characters entered in the text is output, so-The book tail is adjusted with 1. why? Anyway, I'm glad that it works because it works. If you know a better way to write, please let us know.

if event == 'Quit':

As it is. Press `` `Quit``` to exit the program.

if event == 'Delete':
		sg.PopupYesNo('Are you really?')
		if 'Yes':
			values[0] = re.sub()

I haven't implemented this yet, but I want to delete all the strings in the text area when I press `` `Delete``` ... but it doesn't work. I think I'll use a regular expression to erase it, but I think there's a better way ... but I can't think of it and leave it here. Well, it's okay if you don't have this feature, but I'd like to make it even more convenient ... Please help anyone who knows it.

This completes the tool with the features I wanted.

4. Source code

Below is the source code.

Source code


import PySimpleGUI as sg 
import re


layout = [
	[sg.Text('Word Counter')],
	[sg.Multiline((), size=(70, 30))],
	[sg.Submit(button_text='Count', size=(5, 1)), sg.Button('Quit', size=(5, 1))],
	[sg.Button('Delete', size=(5, 1)), sg.Button('Save', size=(5, 1))]

window = sg.Window('Word Counter', layout)

while True:
	event, values = window.read()

	if event is None:
		print('No words')

	if event == 'Count':
		show_message = len(values[0]) - 1

		sg.popup('Result', show_message)

	if event == 'Quit':

	if event == 'Delete':
		sg.PopupYesNo('Are you really?')
		if 'Yes':
			values[0] = re.sub()

That's about it. short. Even with this, I can perform the minimum necessary functions, so it is very useful personally. I automated the call to some extent with Automator on the Mac, and made it work immediately by typing a command with Alfred. I will write an article about this if I have a chance.

5. Summary

I was able to create a character counter in this way. There are many similar tools without having to write code, but it would be interesting to have one fun to create your own tool. I'm quite attached to it and use it relatively (laughs) It doesn't support save function or output, it's just a substitute to copy and paste a character string and use it only to judge the number of characters now. I think it will be more convenient if various other functions are added. Thank you for reading this far.

6. References

If you use Tkinter, try using PySimpleGUI I touched the Python GUI library "PySimpleGUI" PySimpleGUI PySimpleGUI Cookbook Introducing My Boom PySimple GUI Basic usage of PySimple GUI

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