I made a QR code image with CuteR


I wanted to put a QR code on the New Year's card. It's usually not interesting, and the logo in the middle is a little different. A command written in python called CuteR seems to be interesting, so I tried to use it.

↑ It seems that you can make a QR code like this! It seems that you can play elsewhere w

python installation

Summarized in another article ⇒ I made python available on macOS

Install CuteR

Create and move working directory

$ mkdir CuteR
$ cd CuteR

Create a virtual environment with venv in the created directory and activate it

$ python3.9 -m venv .venv
$ . .venv/bin/activate

Try using CuteR

Try typing the sample command on the official website. It works safely! !!

$ CuteR -c 10 -e H -o sample_output.png -v 10 sample_input.png http://www.chinuno.com

Try various things and adjust commands

$ CuteR -c 10 -e H -o output.png -v 6 input.png https://scrapbox.io/HPNY2021/01-Jan

Before use ⇒ After use  ⇒ 

Exit the virtual environment

(.venv) $ deactivate


CuteR page: https://github.com/chinuno-usami/CuteR

What I considered but didn't use

QArt Codes:https://research.swtch.com/qart It seems that there was an online service, but it was finished.

qart.js:https://github.com/kciter/qart.js It looks good, but I can't resolve Security Error: The operation is insecure.. Does the module you're calling seem dangerous? GitHub hasn't been maintained for a while, so I gave up on my own solution (CuteR had a newer update).


Python 3.9.1 (Dec 28 2020, 11:25:16) macOS BigSur version 11.1 MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)

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