I made a configuration file with Python

I made a configuration file based on Python

I used various file formats, but the readability is low except for json, yaml, and toml. Json was dissatisfied with not being able to write comments, and was dissatisfied with not being able to include lambda expressions, so I made it.


import sys
import argparse

class File(dict):
    def Load(cls,path):
        data = None
        with open(path,'r',encoding="utf-8") as fln:
            var = []
            for f in fln.read():
                if(f.strip() == "" or f.strip()[0:1] == '#' or f.strip().split('(')[0] == '__import__'):
            data = cls.__Ld(var)
        ret = eval(data)
        return ret

    def __Ld(cls,var):
        ret = ""
        for val in var:
            ret += val
        return ret

load = File.Load


    "Vector3":lambda:[0 for var in range(3)],
    "Vector4":lambda:[0 for var in range(4)],
    "Matrix3x3":lambda:[[0 for x in range(3)]for y in range(3)],
    "Matrix4x4":lambda:[[0 for x in range(4)]for y in range(4)],
    #Identity matrix
    "Identity":lambda mat:[[1 if x==y else 0 for x in range(len(mat[y]))]for y in range(len(mat))],




import pyson
ldfil = pyson.load("Classes.pyson")
stngfil = pyson.load("Setting.pyson")
mat = ldfil["Identity"](ldfil["Matrix4x4"]())
print("Identity matrix(4x4):",mat)
print("Can be set?:",stngfil[1])
Identity matrix(4x4):[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]
Can be set?:True


I'm glad that I was able to make something that was quite satisfying. I also want to improve it.

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