Create a Photoshop format file (.psd) with python


Create a PSD file using a library called pytoshop. I found quite a few other things to read the psd file once with pytoshop and process it, but I could not find it to make it from scratch, so I looked at the official document and debugged it.

Basically, it is like composing a layer with OpenCV image data (numpy array) that is common in Python and writing it out.

Installation of required packages

pip install numpy scipy opencv-python Pillow six psd-tools3 pytoshop


#! env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import sys
import cv2
import pytoshop
from pytoshop import layers
import numpy as np
import cv2

def main():
    #Image for layer
    test_img = cv2.imread("test1.tif")
    #Create a blank PSD file
    psd = pytoshop.core.PsdFile(num_channels=3, height=test_img.shape[0], width=test_img.shape[1])
    #Make 255 filled images(For transparency)
    max_canvas = np.full(test_img.shape[:2], 255, dtype=np.uint8)
    #Make a layer
    #Do as many layers as you need
    #Transparency np.ndarray([], dtype=np.uint8)
    #255 is opaque, 0 is transparent, and you can create a layer with transparency by setting a grayscale mask image.
    layer_1 = layers.ChannelImageData(image=max_canvas, compression=1)
    # RGB
    layer0 = layers.ChannelImageData(image=test_img[:, :, 2], compression=1)  # R
    layer1 = layers.ChannelImageData(image=test_img[:, :, 1], compression=1)  # G
    layer2 = layers.ChannelImageData(image=test_img[:, :, 0], compression=1)  # B
    new_layer = layers.LayerRecord(channels={-1: layer_1, 0: layer0, 1: layer1, 2: layer2},  #RGB image
                                   top=0, bottom=test_img.shape[0], left=0, right=test_img.shape[1],  #position
                                   name="layer 1",  #name
                                   opacity=255,  #Layer opacity
    with open("output.psd", 'wb') as fd2:

if __name__ == '__main__':

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