I made a fortune with Python.


The Advent calendar was free, so I'll write a little bit about Python. I usually make web apps using Flask, but I felt that I didn't understand Python itself probably because I relied on the framework. So, to practice Python, I first made an Omikuji. (Currently, Flask's Advent calendar is empty. If you know Flask even a little, please join us!)


Ubuntu18.04LTS Python3.6.9 vim


This time I made an Omikuji like this.


from random import choice

play = input('You can draw a fortune by typing play.: ')

while True:
    if play == 'play':

    print('Type it again.')
    play = input('You can draw a fortune by typing play.: ')

while True:
    KUJI = ['Daikichi', 'Nakayoshi', 'Kokichi', 'Sueyoshi', 'Bad', '大Bad']
    continue_ = input('Would you like to pull it again?[y/n]: ')
    while True:
        if continue_ != 'y':
            if continue_ != 'n':
                input('Enter y or n.: ')

    if continue_ == 'y':


It's boring if it's an ordinary Omikuji, so I tried a little ingenuity. If it's really just an Omikuji, it will end in two lines. Like this.

from random import choice
print(choice(['Daikichi', 'Nakayoshi', 'Kokichi', 'Sueyoshi', 'Bad', '大Bad']))


I devised a little more by referring to the advice in the comments.


from random import choices #choice → choices

play = input('You can draw a fortune by typing play.: ')

while True:
    if play == 'play':

    print('Type it again.')
    play = input('You can draw a fortune by typing play.: ')

while True:
    KUJI = ['Daikichi', 'Nakayoshi', 'Kokichi', 'Sueyoshi', 'Bad', '大Bad']
    print(choices(KUJI, weights=[1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1])[0]) #I changed here.
    continue_ = input('Would you like to pull it again?[y/n]: ')
    while True:
        if continue_ == 'y' or continue_ == 'n': #I have also prepared the code here.
            continue_ = input('Enter y or n.: ')

    if continue_ == 'n':


that's all.

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