I made a LINE BOT that returns parrots as part of Python learning.
・ Python ・ Heroku ・ LINE Developers ・ Flask
Create a LINE Developers account, provider, and channel at the link below.
You can create an account with your name and email address.
Created with the provider name (your name or company name)
・ Channel type → Messaging API ・ Provider ・ Channel name ・ Channel description ・ Category ・ Subcategory ·e-mail address Create by agreeing to the terms of use.
Register as a friend with the QR code of the channel basic setting → message API.
Basic settings → Check channel secret Message API settings → Channel access token issuance and confirmation
Heroku is simply a service that prepares you for publishing your application.
What is Heroku
For the installation settings etc., I referred to the following article. https://uepon.hatenadiary.com/entry/2018/07/27/002843
Login with GitCMD
heroku login
heroku: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit:
Opening browser to https://cli-auth.heroku.com/auth/browser/XXXX
Logging in... done
Logged in as XXXX@XXXX
Application registration
heroku create your application name(Below app name)
Creating ● App name... done
https://app name.herokuapp.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/app name.git
Setting environment variables → Reference: What are environment variables Set the channel secret and channel access token confirmed in LINE Developers earlier.
heroku config:set YOUR_CHANNEL_SECRET="Channel Secret string" --app app name
heroku config:set YOUR_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN="Access token string" --app app name
With this setting "YOUR_CHANNEL_SECRET" is a channel secret "YOUR_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN" is a channel access token Will be available on Heroku as.
Check settings
heroku config --app app name
Enter the following contents in GitCMD.
pip3 install flask
pip3 install line-bot-sdk
-Flask is a Python web application framework suitable for creating simple web applications for small scale. → Reference: What is Flask
-Line-bot-sdk contains the functions required to create a LINE BOT. → Reference: What is line-bot-sdk
For the actual code, I referred to main.py on the following site. https://uepon.hatenadiary.com/entry/2018/07/27/002843 In addition, I referred to the following site to understand what is written. https://www.wantedly.com/companies/casley/post_articles/139107
#Loading required modules
from flask import Flask, request, abort
import os
from linebot import (
LineBotApi, WebhookHandler
from linebot.exceptions import (
from linebot.models import (
MessageEvent, TextMessage, TextSendMessage,
#Assign Flask to the variable app. Instantiation
app = Flask(__name__)
#Get environment variables
line_bot_api = LineBotApi(YOUR_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN)
handler = WebhookHandler(YOUR_CHANNEL_SECRET)
#Method for Heroku login connection confirmation
#When I log in to Heroku, "hello world" is displayed in the browser
def hello_world():
return "hello world!"
#When a message is sent by the user, this method is called from the LINE Message API.
@app.route("/callback", methods=['POST'])
def callback():
#Get the value for signature verification from the request header
signature = request.headers['X-Line-Signature']
#Get request body
body = request.get_data(as_text=True)
app.logger.info("Request body: " + body)
#Verify the signature, and if there is no problem, call the function defined in handle.
handler.handle(body, signature)
#If signature verification fails, throw an exception.
except InvalidSignatureError:
#OK if you finish processing the handle
return 'OK'
#When a Message Event (when a normal message is sent) occurs on LINE,
#def Execute the following function.
# reply_event, the first argument of message.reply_token is a token used to respond to an event.
#The second argument is linebot.We are passing the TextSendMessage object for the reply defined in models.
@handler.add(MessageEvent, message=TextMessage)
def handle_message(event):
#Port number setting
if __name__ == "__main__":
# app.run()
port = int(os.getenv("PORT"))
app.run(host="", port=port)
Go back to the LINE Message API and set the Heroku connection destination in the Webhook URL of the Webhook. Webhook URL: https: // app name.herokuapp.com/callback * Don't forget to enter the callback method at the end </ font>
See: What is deployment Create files to be installed on Heroku (including the Python source code "main.py" mentioned earlier). Check the version of Python etc. to create the file
python --version
pip freeze
Create a directory to deploy (this time the folder name is linebot) Files in the directory main.py → source code runtime.txt → Describe the Python version requirements.txt → Description of the library to be installed Procfile → Defines how to execute the program
Python 3.9.0
web: python main.py
cd linebot
git init
git add .
git commit -am "make it better"
git push heroku master
I moved to the directory created by "cd" and installed it in Heroku with the following 4 lines. See: What is Git
heroku open
If hello World is displayed, it has been successfully deployed.
heroku logs --tail
You can check the log with the above command.
When copying the channel access token of LINE Message API, I copied and pasted it in the translated state and it was caught in the signature verification and the parrot was not returned, but when I canceled the translation and copied and pasted it, the expected value was returned.
https://www.casleyconsulting.co.jp/blog/engineer/3028/ https://www.sejuku.net/blog/7858 https://uepon.hatenadiary.com/entry/2018/07/27/002843 https://www.wantedly.com/companies/casley/post_articles/139107
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