[RUBY] I created a class in Python and tried duck typing

Judgment by human class and inheritance, car class

There seems to be a duck test. According to Wikipedia's information "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck" "If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it must be a duck." It seems to be the idea. Duck typing came from here.

Duck typing looks like this in Ruby, for example.

Duck typing in Ruby


def test(foo)
   puts foo.sound
#Duck barks
 class Duck
   def sound
 #Meow of a cat
 class Cat
   def sound

The output is


#Output result

In short, it seems that you can use methods with the same name in different classes, and you can switch between the same operations on different objects.

For example, suppose a young man and an adult inherit a human class and judge it in the car class to determine whether they are qualified as drivers. For example, what about the following sample code? Python.

Duck typing in Python


#Human class
#  2020.07.24 ProOJI
class Person(object):
	"""Age method"""
	def __init__(self, age=1):
		self.age = age
	"""Driver qualification method"""
	def drive(self):
		if self.age >= 18:
			print('You can drive!')
			print("Because You're {} years old.".format(self.age))
			raise Exception('Sorry...you cannot drive.')
#Youth class
class Young(Person):
	def __init__(self, age=12):
		if age < 18:
			raise ValueError
#Adult class
class Adult(Person):
	def __init__(self, age=18):
		if age >= 18:
			raise ValueError
#Car class
#Judgment of driver qualification
class Car(object):
	def __init__(self, model=None):
		self.model = model
	def ride(self, person):

#Youth_Instance generation (13 years old)
young = Young(13)
#grown up_Instance generation (46 years old)
adult = Adult(46)


#Automobile_Instance generation_1
car = Car()
#Judgment of young people 13 years old
#Output result
# Exception: Sorry...you cannot drive.


#Automobile_Instance generation_2
car = Car()
#Judgment of young people 46 years old
#Output result
# You can drive!
# Because You're 46 years old.


There is a concept of polymorphism in programming, and in Japanese it is called polymorphism and diversity. This is one of the object-oriented concepts. You can use methods with the same name, even if they have different class types, and you can switch between the same operations on different objects. It turns out that such code is called duck typing.

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