I tried non-blocking I / O Eventlet behavior in Python

I tried Eventlet operation as non-blocking I / O programming in Python. However, it is difficult to write from scratch while understanding the behavior of Eventlet, so I referred to the implementation code on the OpenStack Nove_compute side. Live_migration on the Nove_compute side

(1) Eventlet sample code

First, a sample program that only operates the user-side threads (green threads) independently. .. ..


import eventlet
import time

def _sample_processing():
    print("### Sample processing thread has started")
    for count in range(5):
        print("." *count)
    print("### Sample processing thread has finished")

def start_sample():
    opthread = eventlet.spawn(_sample_processing)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Try to move

$ python sample1.py 
### Sample processing thread has started

### Sample processing thread has finished

Next, assuming that you want to operate multiple green threads and link the operations, expand a little. .. ..


import eventlet
import time

def _sample_processing():
    print("### Sample processing thread has started")
    for count in range(5):
        print("." *count)
    print("### Sample processing thread has finished")

def start_sample():
    opthread = eventlet.spawn(_sample_processing)
    finish_event = eventlet.event.Event()

    def thread_finished(thread, event):
        print("### Sample processing thread notification")
    opthread.link(thread_finished, finish_event)


def _sample_processing_monitor(finish_event):
    while True:
        if not finish_event.ready():
            print("+++ thread is still running!![{}]".format(finish_event._result))
            print("+++ thread is done!![{}]".format(finish_event._result))

if __name__ == '__main__':

I tried to move

$ python sample2.py 
### Sample processing thread has started

+++ thread is still running!![NOT_USED]
+++ thread is still running!![NOT_USED]
+++ thread is still running!![NOT_USED]
### Sample processing thread has finished
### Sample processing thread notification
+++ thread is done!![None]

With a nice feeling, I can now observe the completion of green thread operations on the _sample_processing side.

(2) DeepDive of Event class internal structure

If you check the internal mechanism of Event class of Eventlet,

class Event(object):

    _result = None
    _exc = None

    def __init__(self):
        self._waiters = set()

    def __str__(self):
        params = (self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self)),
                  self._result, self._exc, len(self._waiters))
        return '<%s at %s result=%r _exc=%r _waiters[%d]>' % params

    def reset(self):
        assert self._result is not NOT_USED, 'Trying to re-reset() a fresh event.'
        self._result = NOT_USED
        self._exc = None

    def ready(self):
        return self._result is not NOT_USED


    def send(self, result=None, exc=None):
        assert self._result is NOT_USED, 'Trying to re-send() an already-triggered event.'
        self._result = result
        if exc is not None and not isinstance(exc, tuple):
            exc = (exc, )
        self._exc = exc
        hub = hubs.get_hub()
        for waiter in self._waiters:
                0, self._do_send, self._result, self._exc, waiter)

It has become.

At first, in sample2.py, if you just instantiate the Event class, self._result = NOT_USED The instance variable is retained as, but then when event.send () is invoked, self._result = None Changes to.

Finally, by looking up the contents of self._result on the monitoring side (_sample_processing_monitor), it seems that it will be possible to determine the completion of the green thread operations on the _sample_processing side.

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