case class in python

There is a case class in Scala. It is a guy who creates an immutable object with the argument and its name that you put in when you new.

Because it is convenient, I wanted to make something like a case class even with python, so I tried it

def caseclass(args):

    class _Case(object):
        def __init__(self, kwargs):
            self._initwargs = kwargs

        def _type_check(self, key, value):
            if isinstance(value, self._initwargs[key]) is False:
                raise TypeError;

        def init(self, **kwargs):
            [self._type_check(key, kwargs[key])  for key in kwargs]
            self._kwargs = kwargs

        def getattr(self, name):
            return self._kwargs[name]

        def setattr(self, name, value):
            raise TypeError;

    def case(klass):
        _case = _Case(args)
        krass = type(klass.__name__, klass.__bases__,

        return krass

    return case

So, how to use caseclass as a decorator

@caseclass({'foo':str, 'bar':int})
class Hoge(object):pass

hoge = Hoge(foo = "hello", bar = 1)
print( # "hello"And output
print( #1 and output
hoge.num = 1 #TypeError jumps when trying to set

fuga = Hoge(dosukoi = "nokotta") #And even if you specify an undefined argument, Error will fly

Maybe there is a better way

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