Playing card class in Python (with comparison)

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import random

class Trump:
    """ Trump Card class

    MARK_SPADE = 'S'
    MARK_CLUB = 'C'
    MARK_DIA = 'D'
    MARK_HEART = 'H'

    EFUDA_LIST = ['A'] + list(map(str, range(2, 11))) + ['J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']

    card_stacks = []

    def __init__(self, mark=None, num=None):
        self.mark = mark if mark is not None else random.choice(Trump.MARK_LIST)
        self.num = num if num is not None else random.randrange(1, 13)

    def get_efuda(self):
        return Trump.EFUDA_LIST[self.num]

    def stack_init():
        Trump.card_stacks = [Trump(mark=m, num=n + 1) for m in Trump.MARK_LIST for n in range(13)]

    def stack_draw(num=1):
        cards = Trump.card_stacks[0:num]
        Trump.card_stacks = Trump.card_stacks[num:]
        return cards

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Trump: %s-%s>" % (self.mark, self.get_efuda())

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

class IndianTrump(Trump):

    #It becomes stronger in the order of club <dia <heart <spade.
    MARK_RANK = {Trump.MARK_SPADE: 4, Trump.MARK_CLUB: 1, Trump.MARK_DIA: 2, Trump.MARK_HEART: 3}

    def __lt__(self, other):
        if self.mark is not other.mark:
            return IndianTrump.MARK_RANK[self.mark] < IndianTrump.MARK_RANK[other.mark]
        return (self.num - 1) % 13 < (other.num - 1) % 13

    def stack_init():
        IndianTrump.card_stacks = [IndianTrump(mark=m, num=n + 1) for m in IndianTrump.MARK_LIST for n in range(13)]

    def stack_draw(num=1):
        cards = IndianTrump.card_stacks[0:num]
        IndianTrump.card_stacks = IndianTrump.card_stacks[num:]
        return cards

    def __str__(self):
        return "<IndianTrump: %s-%s>" % (self.mark, self.get_efuda())

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("--- Trump Draw ---")
#Randomly draw 5 cards
    cards = Trump.stack_draw(5)
#Draw all remaining cards
    cards = Trump.stack_draw(52)
#The card is empty
    cards = Trump.stack_draw()
#Reset stack
#Draw one card
    cards = Trump.stack_draw()

    print("--- Indian Porker ---")
    for i in range(8):
        card_a, card_b = IndianTrump.stack_draw(2)
        print("CardA: " + str(card_a), "CardB: " + str(card_b))
        print("CardA %s CardB" % (">" if (card_a > card_b) else "<"), "\n")

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