Encode when reading with UTF-8 BOM in Python
Specify **'utf_8_sig' **.
Example of reading a file
io.opne(filename, "r", encoding="utf_8_sig")
Convert from str type (UTF-8) to unicode type
uni_string = unicode(str_string, 'utf_8_sig')
I was a little addicted to reading UTF-8 in Python, so I'll write it down to prevent forgetting.
UTF-8 may have a BOM (Byte order mark). This is an identifier that the encoding is UTF-8. The first 3 bytes of the file are'EF BB BF'.
The trouble is that there are UTF-8 with BOM and UTF-8 without BOM.
BOM is added to UTF-8 in Windows'Notepad' and Excel. Linux and Mac basically seem to handle UTF-8 without BOM.
This time I wanted to load the csv edited in Excel, so I had to consider the BOM.
I thought, I wrote it in the document.
Official document UTF-8 with BOM mark
If you set the encoding codec to'utf_8_sig', If there is a BOM, it will be skipped and read. If there is no BOM, it can be read as UTF-8 as it is.
import io
with io.open('sample.csv', 'rt', encoding='utf_8_sig') as f:
Character codes tend to be addictive in Python, but if you can handle character codes properly when converting to unicode type, you will not have to worry about character codes.
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