Draw a graph in Julia ... I tried a little analysis

"Draw a graph in the programming language Julia" I succeeded in moving the sample for the time being, but the data created by my own program (in Julia language) I decided to find out how to draw a graph using. I modified the sample source to make the source at the end of the sentence (when saving, please save with UTF-8 character code). I set an array with 8 elements in a variable called data in the part wheredata = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 5]. After that, you can pass an array to the first argument of the plot method like p1.plot (data), p2.plot (data,…), p3.plot (data,…). It seems. Basically this may be OK!



using PySide
reload(Pkg.dir("PySide", "src", "pyqtgraph.jl"))
using PyQtGraph

w = Widget()
lyt = VBoxLayout(w)
setLayout(w, lyt)

win = GraphicsLayoutWidget(w)
addWidget(lyt, win)
set_size(w, 800, 200)


data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 5]

p1 = addPlot(win, title="Basic array plotting (Basic)")

p2 = addPlot(win, title="Multiple curves (Multiple)")
p2.plot(data, pen=(255,0,0))
p2.plot(data .+ 5, pen=(0, 255, 0))
p2.plot(data .+ 10, pen=(0,0,255))

p3 = addPlot(win, title="Drawing with points (point)")
p3.plot(data, pen=(200, 200, 200), symbol='f', symbolPen='w', symbolBrush=(255,0,0))


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