Draw a graph with Japanese labels in Jupyter

IPython Notebook, in the default state, the Japanese label in the graph becomes tofu, so I think that many people use it by specifying the Japanese font in the configuration file. However, after updating IPython to 3, the IPython Notebook became Jupyter, and Japanese became tofu again.

Apparently, the configuration of the configuration file has changed, so I can no longer use the existing Profile. ʻIpython_ * _ config.py` The default contents of the file with the same name as the existing one have changed, so it seems better to recreate each profile.

Jupyter config file

In IPython 3.x series, it seems that IPython 2.x series ʻipython_notebook_config.py is divided into ʻipython_kernel_config.py and ʻipython_notebook_config.py`.

If you want to use Japanese labels in Matplotlib, you need to write them in ʻipython_kernel_config.py`.


c.InlineBackend.rc = {
    'font.size': 11,
    'font.family': 'Osaka',
    'figure.figsize': (6.0, 4.0),
    'savefig.dpi': 80,
    'axes.titlesize': 12

c.InlineBackend.figure_formats = set(['png', 'retina'])

Now you can use Japanese labels.

スクリーンショット 2015-03-08 23.29.49.png

Check the set value

On Jupyter

import matplotlib

The list of available fonts is

import matplotlib.font_manager as fm

Obtained at.

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