How to draw a bar graph that summarizes multiple series with matplotlib

As a memorandum because there was no good article.

# version
matplotlib == 3.2.2

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Vertical bar
def barplot(ax, labels, datas):
    x = np.arange(len(labels))  # the label locations
    width = 0.35  # the width of the bars

    rects1 = - width/2, datas[0]["val"], width, label=datas[0]["label"])
    rects2 = + width/2, datas[1]["val"], width, label=datas[1]["label"])

    # Add some text for labels, title and custom x-axis tick labels, etc.

#Horizontal bar
def barhplot(ax, labels, datas):
    x = np.arange(len(labels))  # the label locations
    width = 0.35  # the width of the bars

    rects1 = ax.barh(x - width/2, datas[0]["val"], width, label=datas[0]["label"])
    rects2 = ax.barh(x + width/2, datas[1]["val"], width, label=datas[1]["label"])

    # Add some text for labels, title and custom x-axis tick labels, etc.

The usage is as follows.

labels = ['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G4', 'G5']
datas = [
    {"label": "men1", "val": [20, 34, 30, 35, 27]},
    {"label": "women2", "val": [25, 32, 34, 20, 25]}]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# barhplot(ax, labels, datas)
barplot(ax, labels, datas)

In the case of 3 or more, it is necessary to adjust the width and arrange them.

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