A memo that made a graph animated with plotly

A memo that made a graph to animate with Plotly


Source code

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.express as px

def create_animation_graph(input_array: np.array, start: str = '1900-01-01 0:00', g_type: str = 'line', y_label: str = 'value',
                           x_label: str = 'time') -> object:
    np.Entering an array returns a plotly animated graph
    :param input_array:Data np.array
    :param start:Start time
    :param g_type:Graph type'line','bar','area','scatter'
    :param y_label:y-axis name
    :param x_label:x-axis name
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    times = pd.date_range(start=start, periods=len(input_array), freq='T').strftime('%H:%M')

    #Create a data frame for animation
    for idx, time in enumerate(list(times)):
        add_df = pd.DataFrame({x_label: [time for time in times [0:idx]],
                               y_label: input_array [0:idx],
                               'tick': idx})
        df = pd.concat([df, add_df])

    range_x_max = len(input_array) - 2
    # plotly.Draw with express
    if g_type == 'scatter':
        fig = px.scatter(df, 
                         range_y=[0, input_array.max()],
                         range_x=[0, range_x_max])
    elif g_type == 'line':
        fig = px.line(df, 
                      range_y=[0, input_array.max()],
                      range_x=[0, range_x_max])
    elif g_type == 'bar':
        fig = px.bar(df, 
                     range_y=[0, input_array.max()],
                     range_x=[0, range_x_max])
    elif g_type == 'area':
        fig = px.area(df, 
                      range_y=[0, input_array.max()],
                      range_x=[0, range_x_max])
        raise KeyError('g_type is different')

    return fig


input_array = np.array([_*np.random.rand() for _ in  np.arange(0,30)*2])
create_animation_graph(input_array,g_type='area',start='00:00',x_label='Times of Day',y_label='Electric energy')


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