I made a program that automatically calculates the zodiac with tkinter

I made an automatic zodiac calculator

――Recently, I often find out what I thought or thought about (because I have free time). .. .. ――I tried to find out about the zodiac. → ** Zodiac personality diagnosis ** Discovery ――It was unexpectedly hit. (I felt like I was grasping the features well) ――I thought that if you know the zodiac, you can build good relationships, and when you investigate further, you can find an easy way to find it, so I tried programming. [1]

Coding content

This time I created a program using tkinter [2]

# coding:utf-8
import tkinter as tk


In creating a program that automatically calculates, I created a basic window I set the size to 300 in width and 250 in height, and set the title to the name to check the zodiac from the Christian era.

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Let's check the zodiac from the Christian era")

Arrangement of input fields and execution buttons

Input fields are arranged using ʻEntry, and buttons are arranged using Button`.

editbox = tk.Entry(width=5, font=("Times", 28))
editbox.place(x = 10, y = 50)

Button = tk.Button(root, text = "button", font=("Helvetica", 12), command=Push)
Button.place(x = 130, y = 60)

Zodiac display

I placed a text field to display the zodiac with Text this time. The width of the text field is 80, and the height is 250.

eto = tk.Text(root, font=("Times", 12))
eto.place(x = 220, y = 0, width=80, height= 250)

Operation when the button is pressed

First, make a list named ʻEto, The operation (program) that calculates the zodiac from the list when the button is pressed and displays the result in the text field is defined in the function ** Push ** with def`.

Eto = ["Child", "Ox", "Tiger", "Rabbit", "Dragon", "Snake", "Horse", "Not yet", "Monkey", "Rooster", "Dog", "亥"]

def Push():
    n = editbox.get()
    amari = ((int(n)+9)%12)
    global Eto
    if amari == 1:
        c = Eto[0]
    elif amari == 2:
        c = Eto[1]
    elif amari == 3:
        c = Eto[2]
    elif amari == 4:
        c = Eto[3]
    elif amari == 5:
        c = Eto[4]
    elif amari == 6:
        c = Eto[5]
    elif amari == 7:
        c = Eto[6]
    elif amari == 8:
        c = Eto[7]
    elif amari == 9:
        c = Eto[8]
    elif amari == 10:
        c = Eto[9]
    elif amari == 11:
        c = Eto[10]
        c = Eto[11]
    eto.insert(tk.END, str(c) + "\n")

Execution result


Completed form

# coding:utf-8
import tkinter as tk

Eto = ["Child", "Ox", "Tiger", "Rabbit", "Dragon", "Snake", "Horse", "Not yet", "Monkey", "Rooster", "Dog", "亥"]

def Push():
    n = editbox.get()
    amari = ((int(n)+9)%12)
    global Eto
    if amari == 1:
        c = Eto[0]
    elif amari == 2:
        c = Eto[1]
    elif amari == 3:
        c = Eto[2]
    elif amari == 4:
        c = Eto[3]
    elif amari == 5:
        c = Eto[4]
    elif amari == 6:
        c = Eto[5]
    elif amari == 7:
        c = Eto[6]
    elif amari == 8:
        c = Eto[7]
    elif amari == 9:
        c = Eto[8]
    elif amari == 10:
        c = Eto[9]
    elif amari == 11:
        c = Eto[10]
        c = Eto[11]
    eto.insert(tk.END, str(c) + "\n")

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Let's check the zodiac from the Christian era")

editbox = tk.Entry(width=5, font=("Times", 28))
editbox.place(x = 10, y = 50)

Button = tk.Button(root, text = "button", font=("Helvetica", 12), command=Push)
Button.place(x = 130, y = 60)

eto = tk.Text(root, font=("Times", 12))
eto.place(x = 220, y = 0, width=80, height= 250)



--Use a font that suits you best --The contents of the Push function seems to be a little easier, so think a little more. ―― Why do you need the str function to display the ʻEto list` when it should be a character?


[1]. "11 useful calculations to know" [2]. "The easiest Python introductory class", written by Fumitaka Osawa, published by Sotec Co., Ltd.

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