I tried playing with the calculator on tkinter

First of all

After learning programming with python, my favorite was ** button processing using tkinter **. When I wondered what could do a lot of that button processing, the calculator came out first.


Window display


from tkinter import *

#Window creation
root = Tk()
#Window size specification
#Window title creation
root.title("Four arithmetic operations")

C and AC features


#C function
def clear():
    textVal = expression.get()
    if len(textVal) > 1:

#AC function
def all_clear():

--Role of C and AC

C Erase character by character
AC Erase all characters

Button layout


buttons = (
    (("C", clear   ), ("AC", all_clear), ("%", op("%") ), ("+", op("+"))),
    (("7", digit(7)), ("8",  digit(8) ), ("9", digit(9)), ("/", op("/"))),
    (("4", digit(4)), ("5",  digit(5) ), ("6", digit(6)), ("*", op("*"))),
    (("1", digit(1)), ("2",  digit(2) ), ("3", digit(3)), ("-", op("-"))),
    (("0", digit(1)), (None, None     ), ('.', op('.') ), ("=", calculate)),

Completed form



Since I was announcing the final task this time, I wanted to explain all the functions, but since each person's time is limited to 2 minutes, I narrowed down the points so that it can be kept within 2 minutes. The source code is pasted at the end, so please take a look at it ...

Source code


# coding:utf-8
from tkinter import *

#Window display
root = Tk()
#Window size specification
#Window title creation
root.title("Four arithmetic operations")

expression = StringVar()

#C function
def clear():
    textVal = expression.get()
    if len(textVal) > 1:

#AC function
def all_clear():

#Number button
def digit(number):
    def func():
        expression.set(expression.get() + str(number))
    return func

#Calculate button
def op(label):
    def func():
        expression.set(expression.get() + label)
    return func

#=Function of
def calculate():
    except SyntaxError:
    except ZeroDivisionError:
    except NameError:

buttons = (
    (("C", clear   ), ("AC", all_clear), ("%", op("%") ), ("+", op("+"))),
    (("7", digit(7)), ("8",  digit(8) ), ("9", digit(9)), ("/", op("/"))),
    (("4", digit(4)), ("5",  digit(5) ), ("6", digit(6)), ("*", op("*"))),
    (("1", digit(1)), ("2",  digit(2) ), ("3", digit(3)), ("-", op("-"))),
    (("0", digit(1)), (None, None     ), ('.', op('.') ), ("=", calculate)),

#Display screen
e = Label(root, textvariable=expression, fg="#ffffff", bg="#000000", anchor=E, height=2)
e.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky="EW")

for row, btns in enumerate(buttons, 1):
    for col, (label, func) in enumerate(btns):
        if label:
            b = Button(root, text=label, command=func, width=10, height=5)
            b.grid(row=row, column=col)



Almost almost the source code was based on Calculator made with Tkinter, but the width of the window, the size of the calculator itself, and the function of C There were some areas that needed to be improved, so I'm glad that I could do it myself. It was also good to be able to understand the meaning of each command. I want to focus on programming during the summer vacation.


--The easiest python introductory class Fumitaka Osawa [Author]

-Calculator made with Tkinter

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