Simply draw a graph by specifying a file

Continuation of here.

sin or cos, whatever, I just want to plot the external data for the time being!

By the way.

Embedding is a toro. Let's specify it with an argument!

A memo. With various graph tools.

To use it, use rand.txt again, which I used there.

$ perl -le 'print rand (10) for 0 .. 99' > rand.txt


import sys
import matplotlib
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = pd.read_csv(sys.argv[1], header=None)


$ python rand.txt graph.png

Just use sys.argv with ʻimport sys`.



data = read.table(commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[1])
plot(data$V1, type="l")


$ Rscript ./GRAPH.r rand.txt graph2.png

It seems that the line number is implicitly treated as x only when y is V1 (first column).


** 2019/01/19 update **

This is more intuitive. Since it is used as a one-liner, I will leave a note of -e [^ 1].

[^ 1]: Ideally, you can use -e and -c together, but ...


#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set term png
set output ARG2
plot ARG1  u ($0):($1) notitle w l


$ gnuplot -c GRAPH.plt rand.txt graph3.png 

$ 0 indicates the "index".

Old memo


#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set term png
set output o
plot f  u ($0):($1) notitle w l


$ gnuplot -e 'f="rand.txt";o="graph3.png "'  GRAPH.plt

psxy (GMT)

For psxy, I can't think of a way to omit x ...


$ perl -lne 'print join " ", $., $_' rand.txt | gmt psxy -R0/100/0/10 -Jx0.1/1 > graph4.eps
$ gmt psconvert -P graph4.eps

--With -R, draw x from 0 to 100 and y from 0 to 10. --With -Jx, x is multiplied by 0.1 and y is multiplied by 1.

Draw a graph with.


By the way, spark


$ cat rand.txt| spark


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