I made a Docker image that can call FBX SDK Python from Node.js

I made a Docker image that can call FBX SDK Python from Node.js

For some reason, I had to call the FBX SDK Python from Node.js, so I created a Docker image.

The created Docker image is published below. https://hub.docker.com/r/seguropus/fbx-sdk-python-nodejs

Sample code

Place the sample code below. https://github.com/segurvita/docker-fbx-sdk-python-nodejs

How to use the sample code

#Build Docker image
docker-compose build

#Launch Docker container
docker-compose up

With this, if the following display appears, it is successful.

fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | # FBX SDK can read the following formats.
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 00 FBX (*.fbx)
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 01 AutoCAD DXF (*.dxf)
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 02 Alias OBJ (*.obj)
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 03 3D Studio 3DS (*.3ds)
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 04 Collada DAE (*.dae)
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 05 Alembic ABC (*.abc)
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 06 Biovision BVH (*.bvh)
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 07 Motion Analysis HTR (*.htr)      
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 08 Motion Analysis TRC (*.trc)      
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 09 Acclaim ASF (*.asf)
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 10 Acclaim AMC (*.amc)
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 11 Vicon C3D (*.c3d)
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 12 Adaptive Optics AOA (*.aoa)      
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 13 Superfluo MCD (*.mcd)
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs    | 14 (*.zip)
fbx-sdk-python-nodejs exited with code 0

What you see is a list of file formats that the FBX SDK can read.

If you see this, you have successfully accessed the FBX SDK Python.

What's happening?

First, docker-compose up launches the Docker container.

Once started, the Docker container runs the Node.js code ʻindex.js`.

ʻIndex.js calls the Python code main.py`.

main.py gets a list of supported formats from the FBX SDK Python and displays it.


There was a person who published a Docker image in which Python and Node.js lived together, so I created a Dockerfile based on that.


# Python 2.7 and Node.Alpine with js 12
FROM nikolaik/python-nodejs:python2.7-nodejs12-alpine

#Library update with apk
RUN apk update && \
    apk add \
    curl \
    libxml2 \

#Download FBX SDK
RUN curl -L \
    https://damassets.autodesk.net/content/dam/autodesk/www/adn/fbx/20195/fbx20195_fbxpythonsdk_linux.tar.gz \
    -o /tmp/fbx20195_fbxpythonsdk_linux.tar.gz

#Create installation folder
RUN mkdir -p /python-fbx/install

#Unzip the FBX SDK
RUN tar -zxvf \
    /tmp/fbx20195_fbxpythonsdk_linux.tar.gz \
    -C /python-fbx && \
    printf "yes\nn" | \
    /python-fbx/fbx20195_fbxpythonsdk_linux \

#Install FBX SDK
RUN cp /python-fbx/install/lib/Python27_ucs4_x64/* \

# python-install shell
RUN npm install -g python-shell

#Delete temporary files
RUN rm -r /python-fbx
RUN rm /tmp/fbx20195_fbxpythonsdk_linux.tar.gz

#Environment variable NODE_Set PATH
ENV NODE_PATH /usr/local/lib/node_modules

python-shell is a library for calling Python from Node.js.

Since I installed it in the global area, I set the environment variable NODE_PATH so that index.js can be obtained with require.


docker-compose.yml looks like this.


version: '3'
    image: 'seguropus/fbx-sdk-python-nodejs'
    container_name: 'fbx-sdk-python-nodejs'
      context: ./
      dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
      - .:/src
    working_dir: /src
    command: node index.js

ʻIndex.js` is executed when the Docker container is started.


index.js looks like this.


const pythonShell = require('python-shell');

// python-shell options
const pyOption = {
    mode: 'text',
    pythonPath: '/usr/local/bin/python',
    pythonOptions: ['-u'],
    scriptPath: '/src',

// main.Run py
const pyShell = new pythonShell.PythonShell('main.py', pyOption);

//Show Python standard output
pyShell.on('message', (message) => {

//End processing
pyShell.end(function (err, code, signal) {
    if (err) {
    console.log('The exit code was: ' + code);

I'm calling main.py with python-shell.


main.py looks like this.


from fbx import *

def list_reader_format(manager):
    print('# FBX SDK can read the following formats.')
    for formatIndex in range(manager.GetIOPluginRegistry().GetReaderFormatCount()):
        description = manager.GetIOPluginRegistry().GetReaderFormatDescription(formatIndex)
        print(formatIndex, description)

def main():
    # Create
    manager = FbxManager.Create()
    scene = FbxScene.Create(manager, "fbxScene")

    # List

    # Destroy

if __name__ == '__main__':

I'm loading the FBX SDK Python with from fbx import *. A function called list_reader_format () displays a list of file formats that the FBX SDK Python can read in standard output.

You have successfully created a Docker image that can call the FBX SDK Python from Node.js!

Try publishing to Docker Hub

It's a big deal, so I'll publish it to Docker Hub.

#log in
docker login

#Push Docker image
docker push seguropus/fbx-sdk-python-nodejs

Published below. https://hub.docker.com/r/seguropus/fbx-sdk-python-nodejs

at the end

In creating this article, I referred to the following pages. Thank you very much.

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