I made a module that can be glitched easily, but I can't pass arguments from entry_points



		"console_scripts": [
			"glitch = glitch.glitch:main",

I understand that it can be started as CLI, but I can't pass the argument. I thought it was sys.argv, but it was different By the way, what I want to pass is something like glitch -i lena.jpg I looked at cliff, but I'm using docopt in the module, so I'm not sure what to do, so I'm writing it here. python -m glitch -i lena.jpg maximum hard works

2015/06/21 It can be executed by calling _main () from main () !! It can be installed with pip install glitch. There are still some strange things, but for the time being, this is it. @Lspeciosum Thank you very much for your advice.

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