I tried to make a memo app that can be pomodoro, but a reflection record

I want to do Pomodoro while leaving a log in a memo

Pomodoro technique is a 25-minute concentration and a 5-minute short break or a 15-minute long break. It is a time management technique that concentrates on work. I don't use it all the time, I use it to add sharpness when I can't concentrate.

There is a Pomodoro add-on called Tomato Clock in Firefox, so I used it instead of a timer.

It's very easy to use, but it runs on a browser, so Pomo Road cycle results to look back on what you did later If you want to keep a specific action log I had to write it in a memorandum etc.

Just a long time ago, I made an app for text editing while leaving the action log of the day for tkinter practice, so I decided to modify it to add a timer function for Pomo Road.

In short, it is a memorandum with a Pomo Road timer.

Completed (?) Thing


Exe version for distribution https://github.com/rabbitbeef/KetchupEXE

Source https://github.com/rabbitbeef/ketchup

Aside from the design and detailed specifications </ s>, I was satisfied with what I used for the time being. The image log is for experimentation, When I was tomatoing or taking a break [11:0][tomato] [11:25][tomato:End] Or [10:55][ShortBreak] [11:0][ShortBreak:End] It will leave the start and end times like that. You can also write a log of what you did directly in the memo.


As I wrote above, the design is rough. Especially the View is not separated. BelowTkinter.PNG All classes depend on tkintern. I'm thinking of expanding what I originally made with tkinter, The cause is that it was expanded without thinking about anything. If you later want to use another gui library such as Kivy instead of tkinter There are many repairs. (Although the original source is still not that long.)

If you want to change from the current situation, make the configuration as shown in the figure below. noizon.PNG The interface has increased, The part related to display and writing that absolutely requires tkinter is created by inheriting interface. They use Tkinter parts.

If this is the case, even when changing to a gui library other than Tkinter It seems that the impact and refurbishment can be reduced compared to the previous design. Functions other than timers can be expanded and easily modified.

If you want to extend the function

I left a little mark on the source, but You can freely change the timer and stamp settings with config Create a function to aggregate actions from logs that are often found in other Pomodoro apps, etc. There is a function that it would be convenient if there was one, At present, I am satisfied that the main functions are not available and I am satisfied. It may be repaired if you feel like it.


Actually, it's the first time to publish the creation, so If you can use it, it will be convenient to use and it will be convenient. I would be happy if there was a review.

It's a reflection of bad writing, Thank you for reading this far.

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