[Python] I made my own library that can be imported dynamically

Hello! It's Nukosuke! python has a built-in library that dynamically imports a module called importlib, but I made my own library to make it easier to use!

What can you do with this library?

By specifying the package name, ** You can dynamically import the modules under it and then get the class object defined in the module! ** ** Specifically, you can write the following Python code!

 ├ example.py
 └ validator/
   ├ validator_a.py
   ├ validator_b.py
   └ validator_c.py
class ValidatorA:
    #Same for b and c
    def valildate(self, input):
        #Validation process
from autoload.module_loader import ModuleLoader

input = "foo bar baz"
loader = ModuleLoader()

#Automatically loads modules under validator and returns a list of class objects such as ValidatorA
validator_classes = loader.load_classes("validator")
    #Instantiate a class object and execute a method
    [clazz().validate(input) for clazz in validator_classes]
    print("input is invalid!!")

What is delicious about this library?

** It is very useful when you want to do something together! ** ** The following is assumed as a concrete usage scene example.

When implementing a pipeline, it looks like this: (It is an image of acquiring and processing data in parallel)

 ├ example.py
 └ pipelineA/
   ├ get_data_a.py
   └ processing_data_a.py
 └ pipelineB/
   ├ get_data_b.py
   └ processing_data_b.py
from autoload.module_loader import ModuleLoader

package_names = ("pipelineA", "pipelineB")
loader = ModuleLoader()

#This is parallel processing
for package_name in package_names:
    GetData, ProcessingData = loader.load_classes(package_name)
    data = GetData().get()
    processed_data = ProcessingData().process(data)

How do you use this library?

Please refer to this page for how to use it!

Why did you make such a library?

Originally, I personally created a site that scores and introduces the recommendation level of books, but I apply several patterns of validation to the book data. I needed to.

I googled variously thinking that I could make a module for each validation pattern and dynamically import it for a good feeling and execute validation, but it didn't seem to be so I made it myself!

Although I made it myself, I thought that it could be used for general purposes, so I released it as a library!

One last word

Contribution is welcome as there are still some things that are not enough!

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