About psd-tools, a library that can process psd files in Python

Library psd-tools that can process PSD files in Python

▼ Official document https://psd-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Test image

This time, I will use this image as a sample. 3070374.jpg Designed by Freepik

▼ Download destination https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/restaurant-gift-voucher-template_5903685.htm#page=3&position=11

▼ Layer information seen on Photoshop image.png

How to use psd-tools


pip install psd-tools numpy scipy

How to use

from psd_tools import PSDImage
if __name__ == '__main__':
    file_path = '/Users/[uesr_name]/Downloads/restaurant-gift-voucher-template/3074963.psd'
    psd = PSDImage.open(file_path)

    for layer in psd:

▼ Output

▼example.png example.png

Group('Background' size=1772x886)
Group('Design' size=1426x570)
Group('Images' size=1226x1196)
Group('Text' size=1627x443)
Group('Logo' size=386x107)

If you want to access all layers

All layers including folders can be accessed by using the descendants () method

for layer in list(psd.descendants()):
Group('Background' size=1772x886)
SolidColorFill('Background' size=1772x886 mask effects)
Group('Design' size=1426x570)
SmartObjectLayer('Brush Stroke' size=1426x413 effects)
ShapeLayer('Rectangle' size=460x80 effects)
Group('Images' size=1226x1196)
SmartObjectLayer('Waffel' size=675x954 effects)
SmartObjectLayer('Food' size=23x27 effects)
SmartObjectLayer('Food' size=23x27 effects)
SmartObjectLayer('Food' size=27x27 effects)
SmartObjectLayer('Tomato Sauce' size=211x208 effects)
SmartObjectLayer('Tomato' size=237x239 effects)
SmartObjectLayer('Orange' size=276x272 effects)
Group('Text' size=1627x443)
TypeLayer('Title' size=506x122)
TypeLayer('20% OFF' size=441x96)
TypeLayer('Voucher ID #56893' size=379x30)
TypeLayer('Web' size=728x27)
Group('Logo' size=386x107)
SmartObjectLayer('Place Your Logo Here (Double Click to Edit)' size=386x107)

Convert all layers to PIL.Image and save as layer name

    for layer in list(psd.descendants()):
        print("layer_name: ", layer.name)
        print("is_group(): ", layer.is_group())

        if not layer.is_group():
            pil_img = layer.topil()
            pil_img.save(layer.name + ".png ")

▼ Result Waffel.png Orange.png Brush Stroke.png Tomato.png Tomato Sauce.png Title.png Background.png 20% OFF.png Web.png Voucher ID #56893.png Food.png

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