How to set up a simple SMTP server that can be tested locally in Python


There are quite a few needs to test the skipped part of development and software installation.

If you already have an SMTP server, everything is OK if you use it, but you can't bother to set up Postfix or Sendmail when you start the server yourself and do various things!

Set up a test SMTP server

So let's set up a test SMTP server quickly! For Linux, just hit the code below. Even on Windows, it works if you install Python. Python nice!

python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:8025

The port number may be a number that does not conflict with others.

important point

Since it is a test SMTP, the content sent is displayed on the terminal instead of actually delivering the mail. When you send a Japanese message, it is encoded in Base64, so if you want to check the contents, decode it in Base64.

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