A story about how to specify a relative path in python.

Also includes source code that is not directly related to the cause of the problem, as a memorandum of your own.


When I try to read an ini file with python, For some reason, I get a KeyError and it doesn't work.

The source is as follows




import configparser
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config.read('./config.ini', encoding='utf-8')

address = config['USER_INFO']['address']

It doesn't look like the key value is wrong.

I thought that config.ini could not be read, so I checked the existence of the file. As a result, False was returned.


import os


Getting the folder wasn't working.

[Cause & Solution]

When I ran the program, I was running it from VS Code, The cause is that the current directory when executing was not the file in which test.py exists.

When I moved to the directory where test.py exists and then executed it, the value from the ini file was also successfully obtained.

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