[python] Create table from pandas DataFrame to postgres

Memo to create a table from pandas DataFrame DataFrame could not be inserted into postgres when to_sql as it is


import pandas as pd
import psycopg2

db = "dbname=postgres host=localhost user=username"
conn = psycopg2.connect(db)

df = pd.read_csv("sample.csv")
df.to_sql(df,"table_name", conn, if_exist="replace", index=False)

As a result of various investigations, it seems that writing to sqlite is the default, so I changed it


import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

df = pd.read_csv("sample.csv")
df.to_sql("table_name", engine, if_exist="replace", index=False)

read_sql was fine with the before method

Reference> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23103962/how-to-write-dataframe-to-postgres-table

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