The weather is bad. This is Yoshida. I especially like Lambda for AWS services. Set aside whether you are mastering it Maybe it's because Lambda has recently made Python available.
Because I felt such anxiety, I tried my best with Python for about 4 hours.
Lambda is fired with awsSNS as a trigger and SNS messages are posted on Twitter.
_ The image looks like this _
This time, I will use a sample SNS message to post "Hello from SNS!" To my account.
--I have a Twitter account --Your phone number has been registered in your Twitter account --Python is installed and you can use the pip command
Get ready to work with Twitter
Accessing the above URL will take you to the Twitter developer site.
If you used to register Twitter apps or did it a long time ago, here
If you haven't signed in to your Twitter account, click Sign In in the upper right to sign in.
When you're done writing, scroll down and if you can read the attention, read and agree.
If you can confirm the above four keys, preparations on Twitter are complete.
Now that Twitter is ready, I'll write it right away.
First, create a working directory and install the external modules to be used in it. This time I created it right under the home. After creating the directory, create a file to write the script.
mkdir lambda_function`
cd lambda_function
Next, install the external module used by lambda. This time, we will use a module called "Requests-OAuthlib", so install it.
pip install requests_oauthlib -t ./
___ Hit the command in the directory you just created ___
You can install it by specifying the current directory after the ___ -t option. ___
Here is the script I wrote this time
#### **``**
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
# Consumer Key : CK
# Consumer Secret : CS
# Access Token : AT
# Accesss Token Secert : AS
CK = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
CS = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
AT = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
AS = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
URL = ''
def handler(event, context):
msg = event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message']
params = {"status": msg }
twitter = OAuth1Session(CK, CS, AT, AS)
req =, params = params)
if req.status_code == 200:
return msg
return req.status_code
Thanks to this script, Python Virgin has been promoted to 4 hours of Python history. No, it doesn't work! This alone (sweat The URL seems to be a special URL for posting.
Let's zip the environment created this time and bring it to AWS Note that ___ you will get angry if you can't find the module unless you compress the contents of the created directory ___ I was addicted to this for about an hour ...
cd lambda_function
zip -r ./
The name of the zip file to be compressed is appropriate.

#### The point is the name of the handler. The reason for becoming a function.handler is as written.
All you have to do is Create Function and you're done.
Specify the test source as SNS. Then ...

The log is out properly.
If you check Twitter ...

It's done!
For this app, when I tried to send the exact same test message, I got a 403 error and couldn't post. Is it a specification?
I did it! !! !! !!
It's done!
For example, if you use BOTO to tweet the number of EC2 you have set up in the AWS environment, you can prevent forgetting to erase it, right?
I'm glad I made something that works with Python, regardless of what I use it for.
### reference
[Access the Twitter API with Python](
[Creating a Twitter application (Consumer key, Consumer secret, Access token, Access token secret confirmation method)]( 83% AA% E3% 82% B1% E3% 83% BC% E3% 82% B7% E3% 83% A7% E3% 83% B3% E3% 81% AE% E4% BD% 9C% E6% 88% 90% EF% BC% 88consumer-key% E3% 80% 81consumer-secret% E3% 80% 81access-token% E3% 80% 81access-token-secret /)
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