Regularly post to Twitter using AWS lambda!


I thought it would be convenient if I could post regularly on Twitter using AWS Lambda, so I summarized it. スクリーンショット 2020-10-16 23.34.23.png

Creation procedure

Creation flow

  1. Build an environment with Docker
  2. Twitter post from Python


1. Build Lambda environment with Docker

I used Docker to use non-standard libraries with lambada. To use docker with lambda, it is convenient to use lambci / docker-lambda. This article was helpful. [Reproduction of local development environment with AWS Lambda x Python]( A3% E3% 81% A6% E3% 81% BF% E3% 82% 8B)


FROM lambci/lambda:build-python3.8

ADD . .

CMD pip3 install -r requirements.txt -t /var/task && \
  zip -9 && \
  zip -r9 *

I'm not sure about the options for zip -9.



2. Twitter post

You can easily tweet using the library here sixohsix / twitter. Articles that I used as a reference ・ Post to twitter easily with Python3

import twitter

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    auth = twitter.OAuth(
      token_secret="Token secret", 
    context = 'I did my best today too!'
    t = twitter.Twitter(auth=auth)

3. Local debugging

It is troublesome to give it to lambda one by one and check it, so check it locally.

$ docker run -v "$PWD":/var/task lambci/lambda:python3.8 lambda_function.lambda_handler [event]

You should be posting with this.

4. Deploy

First, put it in a zip file.

$ docker build -t mylambda .
$ docker run -v "$PWD":/var/task mylambda

Next, create a lambda function from the AWS console.

Upload zip file

Register environment variables

It's OK if you can register the time of regular execution!

reference -Be careful about the time difference when using cron expressions in Amazon CloudWatch EventsOfficial document rule schedule formula

Impressions ・ Future ...

・ I want to incorporate it into other flows.

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