Send a message from Slack to a Python server


Create a slcak bot and send a message from slack to the server. Sending a message from the server to slack is-> "Send a message from python to Slack"

things to do

1 Prepare the server

Prepare a server to access from slack. It is necessary to meet the conditions by referring to url_verification event.

python code sample

import flask
from flask import request, Response
import os
import json

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/', methods=["POST"])
def index():
    data ='utf-8')
    data = json.loads(data)
    # for challenge of slack api
    if 'challenge' in data:
        token = str(data['challenge'])
        return Response(token, mimetype='text/plane')
    # for events which you added
    if 'event' in data:
        print("get event")
        event = data['event']
        if 'user' in event:
            print("user = ", event["user"])
        if "text" in event:
            print("text = ", event["text"])
    return Response("nothing", mimetype='text/plane')

port = os.getenv('VCAP_APP_PORT', '8000')

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=int(port), debug=True)

2 Creating a slack app

2.1 Go to slack api.

2.2 Creating an app

Click "Create New App". Create an app by selecting the app name and workspace.

2.3 Turn Enable Events ON

On the Event Subscriptions page, set Enable Events to "ON" スクリーンショット 2019-11-27 22.10.54.png

2.4 Specify Request URL

Specify the url of the server prepared in [1](# 1-Preparing the server).

2.5 workspace event settings

Under Subscribe to workspace events, select workspace event from "Add Workspace Event". This time, select message.channels to get the message of the channel. Other events can be found at API Event Types.

スクリーンショット 2019-11-28 0.47.53.png

3 Install slack app in workspace

3.1 Install in workspace

スクリーンショット 2019-11-28 0.54.19.png Install from "Install App to Workspace". # 3.2 Add apps to channels The slack channel you want to add the app to-> Settings-> Add the app


  1. Types of Slack Bot and how to make it roughly
  2. Events API
  3. url_verification event
  4. API Event Types
  5. Send a message to Slack from python

At the end

I was able to receive messages from the slack channel on the server! I think I can do anything. Once you pass the challenge, you can stop the server afterwards and start it again.

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