Send experiment results (text and images) to slack with Python

Send text

Set API on slack side

  1. Open "Manage apps" from "Settings and management" of slack. fig1.png
  2. Search and add the App directory Incoming Webhook. fig2.png fig3.png
  3. Select a channel and select "Add Incoming Webhook Integration" fig4.png
  4. Copy the "Webhook URL". fig5.png
  5. You can change the bot icon and name here. fig8.png


import slackweb
slack = slackweb.Slack(url="Copied webhook URL")

def notify(title, text, color):
    attachments = [{"title": title,
                "text": text,
                "color": color, #good, warning, danger
                "footer": "Send from Python",
    slack.notify(text=None, attachments=attachments)

notify("test","Good morning","good")
notify("test","Good evening","danger")

For the syntax of attachments, refer to the following

Execution result


Send image

--Set API on slack side

  1. Add "Bots" in the same way as 1 and 2 above.
  2. Copy the API token.


import requests
import json

def notifyImg(title, imageURL):
        files = {'file': open(imageURL, 'rb')}
        param = {
        'token': "Copyed API token", 
        'channels':'The name of the channel you want to post',
        'title': title,
        }"",params=param, files=files)

notifyImg("Test image", "test.png ") #imageURL is the file path

What is a file path

Execution result


At the end

In addition to notifying that the experiment was over, I thought it would be nice if you could send me the results as well, so I checked the API of slack, so I summarized it. I'm sorry if I make a mistake.



-Post to slack with Python3 -Summary of how to post images from the program to Slack

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