Image characters and post to slack (python slackbot)

It is a script that images and posts the characters of hubot that I wrote last time (although it was a long time ago), Recently, there are many opportunities to touch Python, I think python slackbot is easy to use, so I rewrote it with python

With python, instead of not having to include ImageMagic, you need to include Pillow in pip

Python is using 3 or later, Depending on the environment, the following command may be pip3 instead of pip

Install Pillow

pip install Pillow

Script to image characters and post to slack

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
from import respond_to
from import listen_to
from import default_reply

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import random

def mention_func1(message, arg1):

    spcolor = [

    im ="RGB",(50,50),"white")
    fnt = ImageFont.truetype('/slackbot/plugins/cp_font.ttf', 50)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    text_size = draw.textsize(arg1, fnt)
    im = im.resize(text_size)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    draw.text((0,0), arg1, fill=random.choice(spcolor), font=fnt)"/tmp/str_img.png ")"/tmp/str_img.png ", fpath="/tmp/str_img.png ")

I don't understand well

--ImageDraw.Draw twice to add characters and create an image for the width of the characters --I'm not familiar with python (especially related to images), so if there is another good way to write it, I'll fix it.


――I had the option to change the image size last time, but I omitted it this time because it will be the same size when it is displayed in slack

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