Send an email to Spushi's address with python

This is a memo of the video.


  1. From the above URL, enable the API of "Google Sheets" and "Google Drive" and get the JSON file.
  2. Create a new folder
  3. Rename the JSON file to creds.json and put it in a folder
  4. Create a new file called in the folder
  5. Enter the following command to complete the two installations
$ pip install gspread oauth2client

The contents of the code

#Email sending relations
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.utils import formatdate
import smtplib
#Google API cooperation
import gspread 
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
from pprint import pprint 

scope = ["",'',"",""]

creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name("creds.json", scope)

client = gspread.authorize(creds)

#I'm getting the first sheet titled python.
# sheet1 ="python").sheet1

SPREADSHEET_KEY = '18j7KiKC1C0VhqZV_CQ7tx5n7mZfR6teKENvEDcuyRe0'
sheet1= client.open_by_key(SPREADSHEET_KEY).worksheet('sheet1') 
sheet2= client.open_by_key(SPREADSHEET_KEY).worksheet('sheet2') 

#Email content
body = sheet2.cell(2,2).value
title = sheet2.cell(2,1).value

#All values are assigned to a variable called data.
data = sheet1.get_all_records()

#Get the number of data
last_number = len(data)

for row in range(last_number):
    #Extract the information required to send an email
    full_name = data[row]["name"]  #name
    msg = MIMEText(full_name + body)
    msg['Subject'] = sheet2.cell(2,1).value
    msg['From'] = '**************'
    msg['To'] = data[row]["mail address"]  # mail address
    msg['Date'] = formatdate()

    smtp = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
    smtp.login('**************', '**************')

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