How to convert an array to a dictionary with Python [Application]


I browsed about 10 sites on how to convert an array to a dictionary with Python. I found a "pattern that is not posted on the common introductory commentary blog", so I will introduce it as an advanced version.

Common examples

If you search by converting from an array to a dictionary, you will find many examples with 1: 1 keys and values.



The keys and values were in separate arrays, but I was able to convert them nicely into a dictionary.


{'name': 'siva', 'age': 4, 'kind': 'dog'}


In reality, it may process the following complex data. Even if you apply the common example as it is, it cannot be converted to the desired format.



This is a mess. The data has become useless.


{'name': ['garm', 4, 'dog'], 'age': ['chapalu', 3, 'cat'], 'kind': ['echidna', 10, 'snake']}


Therefore, let's use the inclusion notation as follows.


print([dict(zip(key1,item)) for item in data1])

It went well.


[{'name': 'garm', 'age': 4, 'kind': 'dog'}, {'name': 'chapalu', 'age': 3, 'kind': 'cat'}, {'name': 'echidna', 'age': 10, 'kind': 'snake'}, {'name': 'phoenix', 'age': 6, 'kind': 'bird'}]


When I rewrite it with a For statement, it looks like this.


mydata = []
for item in data1:


The result is the same.


[{'name': 'garm', 'age': 4, 'kind': 'dog'}, {'name': 'chapalu', 'age': 3, 'kind': 'cat'}, {'name': 'echidna', 'age': 10, 'kind': 'snake'}, {'name': 'phoenix', 'age': 6, 'kind': 'bird'}]


--A special pattern in which keys and dictionaries are arranged alternately -For a list of tuples with 2 elements


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