[Python Kivy] How to create an exe file with pyinstaller

Create a SPEC file from the py file with pyinstaller (this time the py file is main.py and the kv file is test.ky).

pyinstaller main.py

When executed, a file called main.spec will be created in the working directory. I will modify this SPEC file this time.

Open the file and first insert the following statement on the first line:

from kivy.deps import sdl2, glew

Then, add Tree ('.'), * [Tree (p) for p in (sdl2.dep_bins + glew.dep_bins)] </ font> as follows. , Modify name to kv filename.

coll = COLLECT(exe,Tree('.'),
         *[Tree(p) for p in (sdl2.dep_bins + glew.dep_bins)],

Then again with pyinstaller, this time create an exe file using the SPEC file.

pyinstaller main.spec

Then, a folder called test is created in a folder called dist, and the exe file is contained in it.

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