Something to enjoy with Prim Pro (X-Play) and Python

Something to enjoy with Prim Pro (X-Play) and Python


Thing you want to do

===========< id
uid=1000(nutanix) gid=1000(nutanix) groups=1000(nutanix),160(snmp),600(java),990(docker)context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023

===========< uname -a
Linux ntnx-20sm6k250202-c-cvm 3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.nutanix.20200216.cvm.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Feb 16 07:02:50 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

===========< hostssh date
============= ============
Sat Dec 12 11:17:09 UTC 2020
============= ============
Sat Dec 12 11:17:10 UTC 2020
============= ============
Sat Dec 12 11:17:10 UTC 2020

===========< hostssh uptime
============= ============
 11:17:12 up 1 day,  9:40,  0 users,  load average: 1.90, 2.36, 2.38
============= ============
 11:17:12 up 1 day,  9:41,  0 users,  load average: 6.04, 6.07, 5.98
============= ============
 11:17:12 up 1 day,  9:41,  0 users,  load average: 1.47, 1.69, 1.80

===========< ncli cluster info
    Cluster Id                : 0005b626-72dd-8051-3f5b-ac1f6b3d7d4b::4565431898213285195
    Cluster Uuid              : 0005b626-72dd-8051-3f5b-ac1f6b3d7d4b
    Cluster Name              : RTP-POC087
    Cluster Version           : 5.15
    Cluster Full Version      : el7.3-release-euphrates-5.15-stable-4fbdd4d9de331230bb468b3549f530e80ab53bb9

・ ・ ・ The following is omitted

What is X-Play?

X-Play setting method image

Script linkage (Powershell)

List of commands you want to get

uname -a
hostssh date
hostssh uptime
ncli cluster info
ncli host ls
ncli cluster get-domain-fault-tolerance-status type=node
ncli alert history duration=14
ncli license get-license
ncli license get-allowances
cluster status
uname -a
/usr/local/nutanix/cluster/bin/hostssh date
/usr/local/nutanix/cluster/bin/hostssh uptime
/home/nutanix/prism/cli/ncli cluster info
/home/nutanix/prism/cli/ncli host ls
/home/nutanix/prism/cli/ncli cluster get-domain-fault-tolerance-status type=node
/home/nutanix/prism/cli/ncli alert history duration=14
/home/nutanix/prism/cli/ncli license get-license
/home/nutanix/prism/cli/ncli license get-allowances
/usr/local/nutanix/cluster/bin/cluster status

Script to execute

Arrangement of various scripts

X-Play settings (Prism Central)

The result of calling Powershell from X-Play


bonus. Actual script

uname -a
/usr/local/nutanix/cluster/bin/hostssh date
/usr/local/nutanix/cluster/bin/hostssh uptime
/home/nutanix/prism/cli/ncli cluster info
/home/nutanix/prism/cli/ncli host ls
/home/nutanix/prism/cli/ncli cluster get-domain-fault-tolerance-status type=node
/home/nutanix/prism/cli/ncli alert history duration=14
/home/nutanix/prism/cli/ncli license get-license
/home/nutanix/prism/cli/ncli license get-allowances
/usr/local/nutanix/cluster/bin/cluster status
	"cluster_address": "",
	"user_name": "nutanix",
	"cvm_password": "nutanix/4u"
import json
import my_command

#Read file
fin = open('command_list.txt', 'r')
json_open = open('cvm_info.json', 'r')

#Read command list
fin = open('command_list.txt', 'r')
command = fin.readlines()

#Read server information
sv_info = json.load(json_open)
cluster_ip = sv_info['cluster_address']
user_name = sv_info['user_name']
password = sv_info['cvm_password']

##Command execution (main processing)
def main():
	for name in command:
		print('===========<', name)
		remote_obj = my_command.RemoteCommand()
		ret = remote_obj.get_df(cluster_ip, user_name, password, name)

##Main processing (magic)
if __name__ == '__main__':

import paramiko

class RemoteCommand:
	def get_df(self, ip, user, password, command):
  		client = paramiko.SSHClient()
  		client.connect(ip, username=user, password=password, timeout=3.0)
  		(stdin, stdout, stderr) = client.exec_command(command, get_pty=True)
  		output =
   	    return output
cmd.exe /c "c:\scripts\get_cvm_cmd.bat"
@echo off
set yyyy=%date:~0,4%
set mm=%date:~5,2%
set dd=%date:~8,2%
set time2=%time: =0%
set hh=%time2:~0,2%
set mn=%time2:~3,2%
set ss=%time2:~6,2%
set filename=%yyyy%-%mm%%dd%-%hh%%mn%%ss%
cmd.exe /c "c:\scripts\ > logs\log_%filename%.txt

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