Create a plugin to run Python Doctest in Vim (1)


"Create your first Vim plugin (autopep8) -I tried to fork / clone / update / push an existing repository to practice GitHub" Then. I explained how to customize and use an existing Vim plugin. This time, I will challenge to create a plug-in from scratch. It's a memorandum for myself written by a Vim beginner, so it's a rather confusing description. I hope it helps anyone who wants to create a Vim plugin in the future.

I chose Python Doctest as the subject. I have Python NumPy, SciPy, pandas I often use libraries such as /). In scientific calculations using these libraries, if the coding is incorrect, no error will occur and the incorrect answer will be silently returned. Only the person who made it can judge whether the result is correct or not. It is very important to ensure that your function always returns the correct result. Don't let one mistake spread to the whole and lead to a completely wrong conclusion. Doctest is used positively on a daily basis because it allows you to check the calculation results right next to the function definition. In order to make Doctest easier to use, I decided to create my own plugin.

In the following article

It is assumed that you have built a Vim environment with. If you would like to refer to it, please replace it with your own environment.

Create repository and update Vim config file

Create a new repository on GitHub. The name is vim-greater3. Clone under C: \ Users \ daizu \ Documents \ Vim \ plugin. Then, under the newly created vim-greater3 directory, create two directories, plugin and ʻautoload. In addition, create an empty file with the name greater3.vim` under each of these two directories.

Register this plugin in C: \ Users \ daizu \ vimfiles \ dotfiles \ _vimrc.


NeoBundleLazy 'vim-greater3', {
\   'base': '~/Documents/Vim/plugin',
\   'type': 'nosync',
\   'autoload': {
\       'mappings' : ['<Plug>(greater3)'],
\   }

Next, register the key mapping in C: \ Users \ daizu \ vimfiles \ after \ ftplugin \ python.vim.


nmap <buffer> <F10> <Plug>(greater3)

Launch Vim and try : nmap. I can't find the F10 key mapping. Then open a suitable Python file and type : nmap


n <F10>    @<Plug>(greater3)

Was found. So far, it seems to be going well. Now, try pressing the F10 key. Nothing happened. I expected to get some kind of error message, but nothing came out.

Let's write a plugin. Write the following content in C: \ Users \ daizu \ Documents \ Vim \ plugin \ vim-greater3 \ plugin \ greater3.vim and save it.


if exists('g:loaded_greater3')

nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(greater3) :<C-U>echo 'greater3'<CR>

let g:loaded_greater3 = 1

In order to reflect the changes you just made immediately, launch another Vim apart from the Vim editing plugin \ greater3.vim (the same applies to the example below). When I open a Python file and press F10, it now shows greater3 on the command line. Running a Python file with QuickRun is also easy:



nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(greater3) :<C-U>QuickRun<CR>

Finally I will write VimScript.


nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(greater3) :<C-U>call greater3#run()<CR>

Press F10 on the Python file to go to the command line


E117: Unknown function: greater3#run

It will be displayed. As expected. We will create the actual plug-in. In Vim, if you try to call an undefined function, it will search under the ʻautoloaddirectory. Write the following contents inC: \ Users \ daizu \ Documents \ Vim \ plugin \ vim-greater3 \ autoload \ greater3.vim` and save it.


function! greater3#run()
  let l = line('.')
  echo l

The line number of the cursor is now displayed with the F10 key.

Let's link VimScript and Python. "Create your first Vim plugin (autopep8) -I tried to fork / clone / update / push an existing repository to practice GitHub" It is a practice of what I learned in. Rewrite ʻautoload \ greater3.vim` to the following contents so that Python can be used in VimScript.


function! greater3#run()
  let l = line('.')
py3 << EOF
l = int(vim.eval('l'))
vim.command('echo {}'.format(l))

function! s:init_py_modules()
py3 << EOF
import vim
vim.command('echo "init_py_modules"')

call s:init_py_modules()

Open the Python file and press F10



It will be displayed. 1 is because the current cursor is at the beginning of the buffer. You can see that you can access Vim from within Python with the vim.eval and vim.command functions of the Python vim module. It seems that you can do various things with this function. Now, try pressing the F10 key again. Then,



have become. The s: init_py_modules function is executed only when ʻautoload \ greater3.vim is loaded, so ʻinit_py_modules is not displayed with the second F10 key. This is as expected. What surprised me was that I could access the vim module on the second run without any problems, even though I didn't import the vim module inside the greater3 # run function. In other words, the first F10 key import of the vim module remains valid, in other words, the Python session continues. This has given me hope in creating a Doctest plugin.

The reason for this is that the following file is executed by QuickRun. This is a typical export in a Python program that performs scientific and technological calculations.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

It will take some time from the time you set : QuickRun to the end of execution. It takes about the same amount of time after the second time. This is because the library is imported each time it is executed. Now, let's try the plug-in. Rewrite ʻautoload \ greater3.vim` to the following content.


function! greater3#run()
py3 << EOF
vim.command('echo {:.6f}'.format(np.pi))

function! s:init_py_modules()
py3 << EOF
import vim
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
vim.command('echo "init_py_modules"')

call s:init_py_modules()

The first run takes about the same time as QuickRun, but the second and subsequent runs return instant results. great. I don't want to wait for the library import to finish every time I do a Doctest.


I am trying to create a Vim plugin for the purpose of comfortably performing Python Doctest with Vim. Before getting into the main subject, it's getting longer, so I'll stop here. I will summarize this article.

Next time, I will create a Python module that performs Doctest.

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