Create a plugin that allows you to search Sublime Text 3 tabs in Python

I open a lot of tabs in Sublime Text3. How are you looking for the target tab in a lot of tabs? I think there are various ways to do it, but I think most of them will be as follows.

--Search by moving with ctrl + tab (control + tab) --Jump by number with Alt + number (Command + number) --Do not open a lot of tabs in the first place. .. ..

Of these, it's annoying to search with ctrl + tab, and jumping with ʻAlt + number` has more than 10 tabs open, and I don't know the number in the first place. .. .. The third is a little. .. ..

So, I made a function to search tabs after studying. By the way, I'm new to Python.

Does Sublime have a tab search function in the first place?


--Windows --Sublime Text 3 is translated into Japanese

Preparing to create a plugin

Click [Tools] => [Add Plugin]. A template will be created, so save it with ctrl + s.

Make sure Packages / User is selected as the save location, and save a suitable name with the extension .py.

Write source code

Tab search can be realized only with the following source code. Very easy

import sublime, sublime_plugin
import os

class FindTabListCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):

    def run(self, edit):
        def on_done(index):
            if index == -1:
            window = sublime.active_window()
            tabs = window.views_in_group(window.active_group())
        window = sublime.active_window()
        tabs = window.views_in_group(window.active_group())
        tabNames = []
        for item in tabs:
            if != "Find Results":
                fileName = os.path.basename(item.file_name())

        window.show_quick_panel(tabNames, on_done)

Set a shortcut

Set the key binding settings as follows and you're done.

{ "keys": ["ctrl+t"], "command": "find_tab_list"}

When executed, Sublime will open the familiar search box below and you can search for tabs.


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