Let's create a customer database that automatically issues a QR code in Python

I went to a dry cleaner

The other day, I went to a nearby dry cleaner to take out my clothes under the direction of my wife.

Saturday after the new year.

Probably the day when the most customers will come.

However, there is one part-time lady there.


The customers are coming.

Well, that's right.

And, behind the customer, I'm back. .. I wonder if the phone rings insanely.

But I'm too busy to pick up the phone. ..

All humans are not good at multitasking

No human being can do this together.


~~ In the first place, is this a shift mistake of the store owner or the store manager? ?? ~~

I wondered if this situation could be dealt with by systematic improvement.

In the previous article, you can easily publish the QR code in Python. I wrote an article called, so it's an application.

Reference: Create QR code in Python. I don't want to line up because I write the same thing every time I issue a commuter pass. ..

Thing you want to do

・ When cleaning is completed, add a service to call, email, or SMS as an option. (It's impossible for everyone ~~ It's annoying ~~, so it's just an option) Put a QR code on your clothes and hold it over your smartphone so that you can contact customers by email, SMS, or phone.

・ The QR code will be automatically issued when the customer's information is registered. Simple management.

スクリーンショット 2020-01-12 15.12.34.png

Execution environment

Python 3.7.6 macOS Mojave 10.14.6

Import library

Import the required libraries first. (Install with pip if not included)

・ Qrcode for QR code creation ・ Datetime to enter the date and time at the time of customer registration ・ Csv for creating a database using CSV


import qrcode
import datetime
import csv

Enter the necessary information when registering as a customer

Set to ask the customer database for the required information. Listen to the necessary information so that you can email, SMS, or call.


name=input('Your name is?')
age=input('How old are you?')
tel=input('telephone number is?')
mail=input('Mail is?')

#Set the date and time to be registered in the database
dt=dt_now.strftime('%Y year%m month%d day%H o'clock%M minutes')

QR code creation

The QR code is set so that the name, phone number, email, address, and registration date and time are displayed. The name of the automatically issued img file is output by the person's name and phone number so that text search (by name and phone number) can be performed later.


img=qrcode.make( 'phone number: ' + str(tel) +'Email: ' +str(mail)+'Full name:'+str(name)  + 'Street address:'+ str(address)+'Creation date and time:'+ str(dt))

#Register the QR code name with your name and phone number so that you can search the text later.

Database registration

Register information in CSV. (Customer_data.csv)


with open('customer_data.csv','a') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    #The next line is for initial registration only. Comment out when registering for the second time or later! !!
    writer.writerow(['Full name','age','Street address','phone number','Email','Registration date'])

Run it on the command line.


(kyoto) MacBook-Air% python3 customerdata.py
Your name is?Taro Tanaka
address? Kyoto City A Town B Street
How old are you? 40
telephone number is? 090-000-0000
Mail [email protected]

Registered in the database like this.

スクリーンショット 2020-01-12 11.48.43.png

At the same time, a QR code will be issued automatically. スクリーンショット 2020-01-12 11.50.14.png

Information will come out when you hold it over your iPhone and read the QR code.


Source code


import qrcode
import datetime
import csv

name=input('Your name is?')
age=input('How old are you?')
tel=input('telephone number is?')
mail=input('Mail is?')

dt=dt_now.strftime('%Y year%m month%d day%H o'clock%M minutes')

img=qrcode.make( 'phone number: ' + str(tel) +'Email: ' +str(mail)+'Full name:'+str(name)  + 'Street address:'+ str(address)+'Creation date and time:'+ str(dt))

with open('customer_data.csv','a') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    #The next line is for initial registration only. Comment out when registering for the second time or later! !!
    writer.writerow(['Full name','age','Street address','phone number','Email','Registration date'])

It seems that it can be applied in various ways

Creating a database and automatically issuing a QR code can be applied in many other ways. Food delivery, prevention of wandering in elderly people with dementia, allergy and drug contraindications.

I would be grateful if you could give us comments that are expandable and expandable so that you can use it like this.

スクリーンショット 2020-01-12 15.12.34.png

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