Introducing "Sherlock", a CLI tool that allows you to search for user names across SNS

What is Sherlock

Sherlock is a command line tool written in Python. You can check if there is an account that uses the same user name on multiple SNS (Twittter, Facebook, Steam, etc.).

Sherlock will list services that have the same user_id like this.

$python3 --print-found {user_id}

[*] Checking username {user_id} on:
[+] Blogger: https://{user_id}
[+] Facebook:{user_id}
[+] Instagram:{user_id}
[+] Pinterest:{user_id}/
[+] Reddit:{user_id}
[+] Spotify:{user_id}
[+] Twitch:{user_id}
[+] Twitter:{user_id}
* User name{user_id}It is expressed as.

Installation procedure

See the Sherlock README ( for installation instructions. You will need to install Python (3.6 or higher) and pip3.

#Installation procedure
#Clone repository
$ git clone

#Move to the target directory
$ cd sherlock

#Installation of required libraries
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Run sherlock to see if it's installed.

python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--version] [--verbose] [--rank]
                   [--folderoutput FOLDEROUTPUT] [--output OUTPUT] [--tor]
                   [--unique-tor] [--csv] [--site SITE_NAME]
                   [--proxy PROXY_URL] [--json JSON_FILE]
                   [--proxy_list PROXY_LIST] [--check_proxies CHECK_PROXY]
                   USERNAMES [USERNAMES ...]

Sherlock: Find Usernames Across Social Networks (Version 0.9.12)

positional arguments:
  USERNAMES             One or more usernames to check with social networks.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             Display version information and dependencies.
  --verbose, -v, -d, --debug
                        Display extra debugging information and metrics.
  --rank, -r            Present websites ordered by their global
                        rank in popularity.
                        If using multiple usernames, the output of the results
                        will be saved to this folder.
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        If using single username, the output of the result
                        will be saved to this file.
  --tor, -t             Make requests over Tor; increases runtime; requires
                        Tor to be installed and in system path.
  --unique-tor, -u      Make requests over Tor with new Tor circuit after each
                        request; increases runtime; requires Tor to be
                        installed and in system path.
  --csv                 Create Comma-Separated Values (CSV) File.
  --site SITE_NAME      Limit analysis to just the listed sites. Add multiple
                        options to specify more than one site.
  --proxy PROXY_URL, -p PROXY_URL
                        Make requests over a proxy. e.g.
  --json JSON_FILE, -j JSON_FILE
                        Load data from a JSON file or an online, valid, JSON
  --proxy_list PROXY_LIST, -pl PROXY_LIST
                        Make requests over a proxy randomly chosen from a list
                        generated from a .csv file.
  --check_proxies CHECK_PROXY, -cp CHECK_PROXY
                        To be used with the '--proxy_list' parameter. The
                        script will check if the proxies supplied in the .csv
                        file are working and anonymous.Put 0 for no limit on
                        successfully checked proxies, or another number to
                        institute a limit.
  --print-found         Do not output sites where the username was not found.

As you can see, there are various options, but we won't cover them in this article.

Actually search

$python3 --print-found {user_id}

[*] Checking username {user_id} on:
[+] Blogger: https://{user_id}
[+] Facebook:{user_id}
[+] Instagram:{user_id}
[+] Pinterest:{user_id}/
[+] Reddit:{user_id}
[+] Spotify:{user_id}
[+] Twitch:{user_id}
[+] Twitter:{user_id}
* User name{user_id}It is expressed as.

You can see that different services use the same User ID.


It turned out that by using the OSINT tool, it is possible to easily obtain public information from the user ID. It's scary.

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