Try a functional programming pipe in Python

Pipe processing

Consider pipe processing in a functional language in Python.

The ideal is result = [3,1,2] |> sorted |> reversed ## [3,2,1]


--Wrap with values and functions in your own class. --"|>" is not in the operator. → Substitute with ">>".

Original class PIPE

# >>Pipe processing with
class PIPE:
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val

    def __rshift__(self, other):
        if callable(other.val):
            return PIPE(other.val(self.val))
        return other.val
    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.val)


result = PIPE([3,1,2]) >> PIPE(sorted)
print(result) # [1, 2, 3]


#You can use both lambda and function.
#print too.
_ = PIPE([3,1,2]) \
    >> PIPE(sorted) \
    >> PIPE(reversed) \
    >> PIPE(lambda lst: [l+1 for l in lst]) \
    >> PIPE(list) \
    >> PIPE(print) # [4, 3, 2]


##When you want to use format with print.
_ = PIPE({"K0":1, "K1":2}) \
    >> PIPE(lambda d: sum([v for k,v in d.items()])) \
    >> PIPE(lambda s: "sum is {}".format(s)) \
    >> PIPE(print) # sum is 3


_ = PIPE({"K0":1, "K1":2}) \
    >> PIPE(lambda d: {k:v+1 for k,v in d.items()}) \
    >> PIPE(lambda d: {k.replace("K", "KEY"): v for k,v in d.items()}) \
    >> PIPE(print) # {'KEY0': 2, 'KEY1': 3}


--Pipe processing was possible. --Easy to read than print (list (reversed (sorted ([3,1,2])))). --It's easy to forget the "\" at the end of the line. ――I feel that it is surprisingly versatile.

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