Just try to receive a webhook in ngrok and python




  1. Create a server that returns 200 OK no matter what you receive in Python
  2. Create an environment where you can receive access from the outside with ngrok
  3. Take a look at the contents of the webhook you received with the Inspect tool that comes with ngrok

Create a server that returns 200 OK no matter what you receive in Python

import http.server
import socketserver
import json

class MyHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    def do_POST(self):

with socketserver.TCPServer(("", 80), MyHandler) as httpd:
serving at port 80

Is displayed, it is OK.

Create an environment where you can receive access from the outside with ngrok



ngrok authtoken 1UFVG5sdtzGXXXXXXXXX


ngrok http 80

Take a look at the contents of the webhook you received with the Inspect tool that comes with ngrok

inspect screen example

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