Check and receive Serial port in Python (Port check)

When receiving data from Serial in Python, it is necessary to specify SerialPort, but if there is only one Serial and the baud rate is also known

from import list_ports
import serial
ports = list_ports.comports()
ser = serial.Serial(ports[0].device,9600,timeout=0.1)

You can open the port as follows.

If this is too violent, you can check the format of the incoming data for all available ports and open the port if you know the serial baud rate and the format of the incoming data. ..

For example, from Arduino connected to a PC regularly at 9600bps


If you receive data like

from datetime import datetime as dt
from import list_ports
import serial
import re

def ReceiveSerial(_ser):
    _dataStr = ""
        _data = _ser.readline()
                tmpDataStr = _data.decode('utf-8') # 'temp,24.5,hum,50.0'
                _dataStr = re.sub(r'\r|\n|','',tmpDataStr)
    return _dataStr

def ScanUsingSerialPortName(_reg="^", _baudrate = 115200):
    devName = ""
    ckSer = serial.Serial()
    ckSer.baudrate = _baudrate
    ckSer.timeout = 0.1
    ports = list_ports.comports()
    print("find " + str(len(ports))+"ports")
    if len(ports) > 0:
        deviceNames = []
        for info in ports:
            deviceNames.append(info.device)	#Get the name of the port
            isReady = SerialPortCheck(ckSer,info.device,_reg)
            if (isReady):
                devName = info.device
    return devName

def SerialPortCheck(_serial, _portName, _reg):
    ret = False
    _serial.port = _portName	#Specify port

        print("SerialPortCheck " + _serial.port )
        startDt =
        while True:
            #Read one line
            s = ReceiveSerial(_serial)
                print(">" + s)
                matchOB = re.match(_reg,s)
                if matchOB:
                    ret = True

            tickTime = ( - startDt).seconds
            if ((_serial.is_open==False) or (tickTime > 3)):
                print("TimeOut" + s)
    return ret


def SetSerial(_serial, _reg="^", _baudrate=115200):
    tmpSer = None
    usingPortName = ScanUsingSerialPortName(_reg,_baudrate)
        tmpSer = serial.Serial()
        tmpSer.baudrate = _baudrate
        tmpSer.timeout = 0.1
        tmpSer.port = usingPortName	#Specify port

            tmpSer = None
    return tmpSer
ser =SetSerial(ser,"^"+"test:data=",9600)

You can identify the port by doing like.

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