Private methods and fields in python [encryption]

0. Summary for those who don't want to waste time

This article incorporates nonces and encryption to force private members to be implemented in python, but it just doesn't make sense because it's less readable and can be easily broken.

1. Idea

All you have to do is design an encryption nonce. Regarding the encryption mechanism, teitei_tk's article was plagiarized. In particular, ʻaes_cipher.pywas saved in the directory as it is. However,pip install pycryptoseems to cause a build error in the windows environment, so An alternative topip install pycryptodome`.

2. Implementation

Private method

import numpy as np
from aes_cipher import AESCipher
import string, random;
#All imports are for private methods

class Test:
    def __init__(self):
        self.cipher = AESCipher(''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(50)])) #Key creation, immediate registration
        self.nonce # nonce

    def caller(self):
        print('From caller_private_Call callee')
        self.nonce = np.random.rand() #nonce update
        self._private_callee(self.cipher.encrypt(self.nonce)) #Encrypt new nonce and send it to private method

    def _private_callee(self, ciphered_nonce):
        nonce = cipher.decrypt(ciphered_nonce) #Decrypt the encrypted nonce sent
        if nonce==self.nonce:
            print('Since the nonces matched, the call from the caller was as expected.')
            #Write processing here
            print('Illegal call')

Of course, if you do ʻobj._private_callee (obj.cipher.encrypt (obj.nonce))` from the outside, an illegal call will succeed, so it is ** a good place out of the question in terms of security **. But well, it's unlikely that you'll inadvertently call a private method if you do this much. In the first place, even java's private method can be called from the outside by using reflection. Isn't this enough just to prevent strangers from calling private methods?

You can also use the same approach to create private fields and define getters and setters.

Private field

import numpy as np
from aes_cipher import AESCipher
import string, random;
#All imports are for private fields

class Test:
    def __init__(self):
        self.cipher = AESCipher(''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(50)])) #Key creation, immediate registration
        self._private_field = self.cipher.encrypt('"You can be seen at worst" but "I don't want to be seen inadvertently"')

    def setter(self, value):
        self._private_field = self.cipher.encrypt(value)

    def getter(self):
        return self.cipher.decrypt(self._private_field)

2. Conclusion

After all, it seems better not to encrypt or introduce nonce, but to just negotiate "Those with _ at the beginning are private! ". It doesn't make much sense to forcibly implement something like that, but the readability of the code is messed up.

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