Difference between nonlocal and global in Python

The global statement refers to the outermost variable. The nonlocal statement refers to a variable one outside the function.

#Interactive mode>>>To
#You can do it by copying.

interval= 0          # <---The global statement refers to the outermost variable.

def Make a counter():
Current value= 0  # <---The nonlocal statement refers to a variable one outside the function.
def count():
global interval
nonlocal current value
Current value=Current value+interval
return current value
return count

Count=Make a counter()

#interval=Since it is 0, it remains 0

#interval=If set to 1, it will be incremented by 1.
interval= 1
>>> #interval=Since it is 0, it remains 0
>>> #interval=If set to 1, it will be incremented by 1.
>>>interval= 1

Other uses for functions defined within a function are "decorator" and "currying, partial application".

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