Differences between Ruby and Python in scope

What is a scope?

The range in which a variable can be used. If you try to use a variable that is out of scope, you will get an error.

Let's see an example where Ruby and Python actually have different scopes.

For Ruby

name = 'Mike'
def greeting()
  puts ('Hello ' + name)
greeting() #=> error (undefined local variable)

In Ruby, only the variables defined in the method can be used in the method. So this time, the greeting method is trying to use the out-of-scope variable name, which causes an error.

For Python

name = 'Mike'
def greeting():
  print('Hello ' + name)
  x = 2

greeting() #=> Hello Mike
print(x) #=> error

In Python, the variable name affects the greeting method, so it can be executed without error.

However, the variable x defined inside the method cannot be used outside the method, so an error occurs.

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