Difference between Ruby and Python in terms of variables

Local variable scope

In ruby, local variable references are only within the defined scope.


a = 1

def func
  puts a

func #=> error (undefined local variable)

In python it can also be referenced from the offspring scope.


a = 1

def func():

func() #=> 1

Furthermore, even if the defined scope disappears, the local variable will not be deleted as long as it is referenced from the offspring scope. You can also apply this property to create something like a class with instance variables. This class-like instance method-like is called a closure.


def cls(): #Class-like
  x = {} #Instance variable-like

  def a(): #Closure
    x['a'] = 1

  def b(): #Closure
    x['b'] = 1

  def g(): #Closure
    return x

  return a, b, g

#The scope of x disappears when the function call ends
a, b, g = cls()
a(); b();
print(g()) #=> {'a': 1, 'b': 1}

Constant closure

Even with ruby, if it is a constant, there is a closure. Before giving an example, let me explain a little about ruby.

In ruby, constants and variables are managed in completely different ways. The scope of variables changes depending on the function definition (not including do syntax etc.) and class definition. On the other hand, the scope of constants changes only in module definitions (including class definitions). And the search for constants

If a nest exists, this constant is searched sequentially within the elements of that nest. (From Automatic loading and reloading of constants)

It is done like this (however, in the case of open class, it is not searched). That is, the constant can also be referenced from the offspring scope.

You can use this property to make closures.


module A
  X = 'x' #Instance variable-like

  module B #Class-like
    def show #Closure
      puts X

class C #Instance-like
  extend A::B

C.show #=> x

Instance methods that look like local variables

A reference to a local variable whose definition is missing may actually be an instance method call with no arguments. I meet really often.


class C
  def hoge #Instance method
    return "hoge"

  def show
    fuga = "fuga"

    puts hoge #Instance method call
    puts fuga #Local variable reference

In addition, the class macros attr_accessor, attr_reader, and attr_writer make it easy to create instance methods that look like local variables. The substance of the variable is an instance variable whose name is prefixed with @ in the argument symbol.


class C
  attr_accessor :hoge #Instance variables@hoge is an entity

  def initialize
    self.hoge = "hoge" #Instance method hoge=Call

  def show
    fuga = "fuga" #Define local variable fuga&Initialization

    puts hoge #Call instance method hoge
    puts fuga #See local variable fuga

C.new.methods.include?(:hoge) #=> true
C.new.methods.include?(:hoge=) #=> true

In the case of python, it is easy to distinguish because the instance method call has self attached and the parentheses of the function call cannot be omitted. Instead, it's harder to distinguish between instance method calls and class method calls.


class C:
  def hoge(self):
    return "hoge"

  def piyo(cls):
    return "piyo"

  def show(self):
    fuga = "fuga"

    print(self.hoge()) #Instance method call
    print(fuga) #Local variable reference

    print(self.piyo()) #Class method call

Overwrite with local variables

(Added based on comments from scivola)

When calling the instance method hoge = in the previous example, we specified self as the receiver.

ruby (repost)

class C
  attr_accessor :hoge

  def initialize
    self.hoge = "hoge" #here

This is because if self is not specified, it will be treated as the definition of the local variable hoge.


class C
  attr_accessor :hoge

  def initialize
    hoge = "hoge" #Definition of local variable hoge

  def show
    puts hoge

C.new.show #=> nil

The same can happen with python. For example, in the case of the class-like introduced earlier, the instance variable-like cannot be updated.


def cls():
  x = {} #Behave like an instance variable

  def u():
    x = 'updated' #Actually, the definition of the local variable x

  def g():
    return x

  return u, g

#The scope of x disappears when the function call ends
u, g = cls()
print(g()) #=> {}

You can't omit self in python, so you won't make a mistake when updating instance variables.


class C:
  def __init__(self):
    self.hoge = "not updated"

  def wrong(self):
    hoge = "updated" #Easy to notice mistakes

  def correct(self):
    self.hoge = "updated"

  def show(self):
    #print(hoge) #=> error (name 'hoge' is not defined)

c = C()
c.wrong(); c.show(); #=> not updated
c.correct(); c.show(); #=> updated

Refer to the instance variable to include


module M
  def show
    puts @message

class C
  include M
  def initialize
    @message = "accessible"

C.new.show #=> accessible

You can do something similar with python.


class S:
  def show(self):

class C(S):
  def __init__(self):
    self.message = "accessible"

C().show() #=> accessible

Assign a function to a variable

In ruby, you can omit the parentheses of the function call. Therefore, you cannot assign a function to a variable.


def func
  return "called"

a = func #Calling the function func
puts a #=> called

Object # method You can use an instance method to convert a function to a Method object and assign it to a variable.


def func
  return "called"

a = method(:func) #Method object assignment
puts a #=> #<Method: main.func>
puts a.call #=> called

On the other hand, in python you can assign a function to a variable.


def func():
  return "called"

a = func #Substitution of function func
print(func) #=> <function func at 0x...>

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