Differences in syntax between Python and Java

I understand Java a little, but it's been 2 hours since I learned Python. About the difference in syntax etc.

Reference I wrote a class in Python3 and Java

Numbers and letters+And letters"13"Will result in an error

#!/usr/bin/env python


Output result

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Data/project/201806_python_1/venv/hellloWorld.py", line 7, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

1 and"1"Are not judged to be the same by comparing

#!/usr/bin/env python
if i==1:

if i==str:

Output result


_! !! important! !! _ It is confusing to accidentally name variables such as _str. str is a built-in function! _

Reference About'==' and'is' in Python, and'==' and'equals' in Java

Reference Java vs Python --Syntactic Difference Championship (Super Incomplete Edition)


#!/usr/bin/env python
print("If 0:" + ("true" if 0 else "false"))
print("In case of 1:" + ("true" if 1 else "false"))
print("In case of 2:" + ("true" if 2 else "false"))
print("-In case of 1:" + ("true" if -1 else "false"))
print("Is 0 False?:" + ("true" if 0==False else "false"))
print("Is 1 True?:" + ("true" if 1==True else "false"))

Output result

If 0:false
In case of 1:true
In case of 2:true
-In case of 1:true
Is 0 False?:true
Is 1 True?:true


print(("true" if 0 == 1 else "false"))


System.out.println((0 == 1 ? "true" : "false"));

Output result


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