[Python] Explain the difference between strftime and strptime in the datetime module with an example

[Memo] Difference between strftime and strptime in python's datetime module and how to remember them

Both are date and string conversions. Which is which? Eliminate the hesitation.

① strftime: "date" → "character string" ② strptime: "character string" → "date"

## Easy way to remember The difference between the two is "f" or "p".

-The "f" of strftime is regarded as "from". └ str from time: Character string from time (date)

・ Strptime is not "from" └ str time: string to date

## Remember from the formal meaning ・ "F" of strftime is "format" └ format: Change format └ Only character strings have a format (date data is standard)

・ "P" of strptime is "purse" └ purse: analyze └ What needs to be parsed is a string (date data is typed)

  • There are various theories about the meaning of "f" and "p". I'm writing something that fits nicely.

## How to use strftime and strptime

** Reference ** -Strftime: How to change the date format (date → character string) -Strptime: How to convert character string data to date (character string → date)

## List of date specifiers

** ■ Frequently used specifiers **

Specifier meaning
%Y 4 digits in the Christian era(yyyy)
%y 2 digits in the Christian era(yy)
%m Month (with 0 padding)
%d Day (with 0 padding)
%H Hours (24 hours,0 filled)
%I Time (12 hours,0 filled)
%M Minutes (0 padded)
%S Seconds (with 0 padding)

** ■ No 0 padding (different for windows and mac) ** windows: Add "#"
Specifier meaning
%#m Month (no 0 padding)
%#d Day (no 0 padding)
%#H Hours (24 hours,0 not filled)
%#I Time (12 hours,0 not filled)
%#M Minutes (no 0 padding)
%#S Seconds (without zero padding)

mac: Add "-"

Specifier meaning
%-m Month (no 0 padding)
%-d Day (no 0 padding)
%-H Hours (24 hours,0 not filled)
%-I Time (12 hours,0 not filled)
%-M Minutes (no 0 padding)
%-S Seconds (without zero padding)

** ■ Other specifiers (example) **
Specifier meaning
%f Microseconds(1~6 digits)
%a Day of the week(Shortened form)
%A Day of the week(full)
%w Day of the week(0~6「0:Sun ~ 6:Month")
%j date(1-366 days, 0 fill)
%W Week number(0~53, 0 fill)
%U %Same as W
%% "" As a character string%」

For details, refer to [Official page](https://docs.python.org/ja/3/library/datetime.html#id7)

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