Communicate between Elixir and Python with gRPC

1.First of all

Try cross-language communication between Elixir and Python using gRPC.

In this article,

--gRPC server: Elixir --gRPC client: Python3

It is said.

Execution environment

hard Raspberry Pi 3B+
OS Raspbian Buster, Ubuntu Server 20.04LTS
Python 3.7.3
Elixir 1.7.4 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 21)

2. Elixir side

First, prepare for the Elixir side.

Here, the sample "[examples / helloworld](" included in elixir-grpc library grpc / tree / master / examples / helloworld) ”.

When the client requests by assigning a name to name, the server returns the string "Hello ".

Command line

$ pwd
$ git clone
#Go to the sample directory
$ cd ./grpc/examples/helloworld/
#Dependency handling, compiling.
$ mix do deps.get, compile

2. Python side

The following is the procedure for creating a client / server on the Python side.

(1) Installation of grpc tool

$ sudo apt install python3-grpcio python3-grpc-tools -y

(2) Interface generation

Prepare a tool to parse the proto file and generate an interface for Python.

Command line

$ pwd
#Create a folder to save Python scripts
$ mkdir python
$ cd python
#Copy the proto file defined by elixir
python $ cp ../priv/protos/helloworld.proto ./
#Generate tool file
python $ touch
python $ chmod 755

Source code for tools that generate interfaces for Python. This time, we are targeting helloworld.proto, so we use__NAME = "helloworld"in the code.

#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Compile proto files

The following two files will be generated.
・*      :Serialization interface
・* :gRPC interface
from import protoc

#File name of proto (name part)

#Generate an interface for Python

Generates an interface for Python.

Command line

python $ ./
python $ ls  helloworld.proto

Two files, * and * _, have been generated.

(3) Creating a client on the Python side

Create client script

Command line

#Generate file
python $ touch
python $ chmod 755

#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
gRPC client
by myasu 2020 

import sys
import grpc
#Import the interface generated from proto earlier
import helloworld_pb2
import helloworld_pb2_grpc

def grpc_client(request):
    """gRPC client communication processing
    request : string
Messages to send to gRPC server
    #Connect by specifying the address and port of the gRPC server on the Elixir side
    with grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:50051') as channel:
        stub = helloworld_pb2_grpc.GreeterStub(channel)
        #Request to the gRPC server on the Elixir side
        response = stub.SayHello(helloworld_pb2.HelloRequest(name=request))

    #Check the contents of response
    print(' Response:', response.message)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    """Main processing
    #Reading arguments
    args = sys.argv
    #Check the length of the argument
    if len(args) == 2:
        print('Arguments are too short')

Communication test between Python → Elixir → Python

First, start the server / Elixir side.

Terminal 1 / Elixir gRPC server side

$ mix grpc.server
10:58:01.872 [warn]  cowlib should be >= 2.9.0, it's 2.8.1 now. See grpc's README for details
10:58:01.977 [info]  Running Helloworld.Endpoint with Cowboy using

(... From here onward, it will be displayed when there is a client request ...)
22:58:04.739 [info]  Handled by Helloworld.Greeter.Server.say_hello
22:58:04.744 [info]  Response :ok in 4ms
22:58:09.237 [info]  Handled by Helloworld.Greeter.Server.say_hello
22:58:09.237 [info]  Response :ok in 15μs
22:58:13.552 [info]  Handled by Helloworld.Greeter.Server.say_hello
22:58:13.552 [info]  Response :ok in 15μs
[Ctrl-\]Stop at

Next, execute the client / Python side. Any message can be specified as an argument of the script.

Terminal 2-Python gRPC client side

python $ ./ chika
 Response: Hello chika
python $ ./ you
 Response: Hello you
python $ ./ ruby
 Response: Hello ruby
python $ ./ CYaRon!
 Response: Hello CYaRon!

The server will return the message with "Hello" at the beginning. With this feeling, communication between different languages was possible.

4. Reference materials

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